Everyone wants the best bedwetting alarm that will do the job but not cost more than necessary. However, cheap should not equate with shoddy workmanship, non-FDA approved, and inconsistent performance.
Bedwettingstore.com only carries alarms that are FDA approved, are durable and consistently sound when sensing wetness. All of our reviews are real-and truthfully written by verified buyers (parents whose children have actually used the alarms). Beware of reviews on other marketplaces that are written in exchange for the product or by competitors.
What characteristics of a bedwetting alarm are valuable and ones that you should consider when buying an alarm? HOW IT CONNECTSIf your child is sensitive to textures and cords or doesn't wear a shirt to bed, do not pick a wearable alarm that attaches to their clothing or their arm. A wireless alarm is a better choice. Choose an alarm that is acceptable to your child. Remember that he or she will be using it for a few weeks or months, so it helps to get a product that is comfortable and easy to connect and use.
Tapes that stick to the underwear, sensors that fall off with movement and flimsy, fragile sensors that are easily pulled out of the alarm unit are things you will want to avoid.
LOUDNESS OF SOUND AND STRENGTH OF VIBRATIONEven though most children do not hear even the loudest alarm in the beginning, the sound should be loud enough for parents to respond to. When the alarm sounds, parents should go to the child's room and verbally remind them what to do next. If your child's room is far from yours, consider getting a wireless alarm with two receivers, one for the child and one for the parents.
If the alarm you consider has vibration, make sure you choose one with strong, steady vibration and not a weak intermittent vibration that is easy to ignore.
DURABILITYThe average child takes 12-16 weeks to become consistently dry while using an alarm. The alarm that you choose should last longer than that. One year warranties are ideal.
RELIABILITYThere is nothing more frustrating than waking up soaking wet with an alarm that has not sounded, either because it was disconnected during the night or it did not reliably sound when it sensed urine. It is also frustrating to have the alarm sound when there is no urine, just sweat or movement. The least expensive Chinese alarms tend to also be the least reliable. You often get "what you pay for" in terms of reliability.
CUSTOMER SERVICE AFTER PURCHASEResearch shows that parents who know what to expect while using a bedwetting alarm have better results. Buying a foreign alarm from someone who knows little about actual bedwetting treatment may not give you the desired outcome. Being able to contact a reputable company that specializes in bedwetting treatment can help you through the rough times and insure that your alarm works perfectly. Having the ability to chat, email an actual person, or call and talk to a knowledgeable, caring person can make the difference between success and failure. All of the Customer Care Representatives at BedwettingStore.com know how to guide families when choosing a bedwetting alarm and how to be successful while using it.