How to Find Customer Pain Points

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness
Do you know what your ideal client wants from you? Do you really know or just think you have the answer? The only way you can know for sure is to ask and listen. Ask without leading and listen without interrupting. When you know how to find customer pain points you are at a turning point in your business. Find the solution to that problem and you will increase sales conversions. Who does want more of that?   You have to answer the “who” and the “what” of your marketing strategy first. Who you are marketing to and what is it they need.     

Who is my target market?

1. What does your ideal client look like?  2. What gender are they?  3. What does their typical day look like? Get these answers and see that client in your head.   

What does my ideal client need?

1. What causes problems in my client’s life or business? 2. How can that pain issue be met?

What is it that I can do to solve this problem? Get this part right and you have the potential to be successful in your own business. Pain and fear are key motivating factors in people’s lives. We are wired to avoid pain when we can and our fear of this pain will drive us to act. If you have the action to avoid or end the pain and you'll be sitting pretty. Next, solve the problem and market to your ideal client in terms they understand and with products they prefer using. Really simple and fundamental marketing tactic is all it will take to get you and your customers on the same page.

One thing that holds you back in your business is the fear that you don’t know enough about a subject or that everyone knows the answers to the problems you know how to solve. This just is not the case. You have a skill and knowledge that is not common to your ideal client. What is your passion and what can you solve for others with it? Think about it and write that thought down!

Solving Customer Pain Points

Are you excited thinking about the solution to help your customers with their problems? Ready to “save” them from all that misery? Make sure you really know what it is that is causing the pain. More often than not, what our clients really want and what we think they want aren't the same thing. We can see the problem as plain as day. Remember that skill set and knowledge you have that they don’t have? The same can hold true for seeing a problem in their lives. We may see it but they aren’t there YET! The reality is that they may have no idea that they even have a problem that you can see.   You have to ask and listen. Really listen to what they say and not try to lead them to the answer you want to hear. This is a tricky one. If you lead them to answer the way you hope they will then you’ll miss their real pain point. You may see a dozen problems they have going on but if you don’t address that one that they feel is the source then you’ll not make that sale.   Finding your ideal’s client’s pain point is the key to driving the sales conversions up in your own business. First, you have to know who that ideal client is; next you have to identify their issue from their point of reference. Remember, you know more about this issue than they do so listen to what your client is telling you. If you do this you’ll get some relief your own pain – the bottom line!     How do you find your client’s pain point? Do you have a pain point that you want help with? Leave a comment and let’s talk about it!