How to Fill Your Tweet Status on Rafflecopter

By Etspeaksfromhome
Recently, I found an increasing number of incorrect entries for tweet status on Rafflecopter.  I tried not to void any of my followers as much as possible by finding their tweet statuses.  But it's getting harder because I can't keep up with the volume. There are more and more competitions via twitter but there are still a lot of people who do not understand how it works.  It took me a while to understand the whole process too.  So here's a step by step I put together about how to get your tweet entries right:I am using an example from my fellow blogger +Anna Marikar on one of her recent advent competitions,1. Click TWEET ABOUT THE GIVEAWAY2. It will open up the entry.  Click the button - TWEET.The number next to the TWEET represents how many people have tweeted the following status.3. Once you click the TWEET button, a pop-up box will show the following:If this is the first time you are using Rafflecopter, please authorise the app on Twitter.4. Click TWEET on the pop-up box.  Once done, the pop up box will close itself.5. Next, go to your Twitter homepage/account.  Look at your timeline and click EXPAND.6. Click DETAILS.7. It will bring you into another screen.  So now you need to copy the URL from your browser and paste it on the competition page. 8. Then click I TWEETED to register your entry.It does look complicated but best to do it right to be in with a chance to win!  Since I host quite a lot of competitions, the most wins are from tweet statuses!  So there's the incentive to make sure you get it right!