WhatsApp Has finally launched the new ‘Edit button’ feature for all its users. This feature was announced by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on 22 May. Along with this, he informed that users can use this feature within 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of sending the message, the option to edit that message will not be available.
The WhatsApp ‘Edit button’ feature is surely going to prove to be very useful for the users. Till now, if some wrong message was typed and sent on WhatsApp, then the users did not have any option to correct that message. He was forced to delete that message by selecting ‘Delete For Everyone’ option. After deleting the message, he used to retype it correctly and send it. In such a situation, the person receiving the message asks many questions to the users as to what they deleted in the message and why. To avoid such clarifications, now the ‘Edit’ feature has been rolled out for all users.
With the help of WhatsApp edit feature, users will be able to edit and correct sent messages with typos on one click. The thing to note is that users will have only 15 minutes to edit the message. After 15 minutes the edit option will not be available on the chat.
The Meta-owned company has confirmed that the new feature has been rolled out to all users with the new update. However, this update has been rolled out in a stage manner, so it is not necessary that this feature will be available to you immediately. It may also take some time to reach you. If you have got the new ‘Edit button’ feature with the new update, then know how to use it.
How to edit WhatsApp messages with the help of ‘Edit button’ feature
First step- First of all open WhatsApp on your smartphone and open the chat whose message you want to edit.
Second step- Now long-press on the message you want to edit.
Third step- On long-pressing on the message, you will get a new Edit Message button through a pop-up.
Fourth step- Now correct the message by clicking on the Edit Message button.
Fifth step- Edit the message and click on Done. In this way that message will be edited.
Keep these things in mind- To get the new ‘Edit button’ feature on WhatsApp, you have to update your WhatsApp to the latest version. Moreover, the instant messaging app has made this feature available only for a time-frame of 15 minutes. In simple words, you can edit any message within 15 minutes of sending, you will not be able to edit the message at 16 and 17 minutes. In order not to misuse the edit message feature, the company will give a tag named ‘Edited’ below the message, so that users receiving the message can understand that the message has been edited.