How to Drive Traffic to a New Blog Using Q&A Websites

Posted on the 22 October 2017 by Babanature @proudlyonenaija

So you heard people are making money from blogging and you decided to join. Congratulations! You read a top blogger articles on how he made 6 figures a month and you were motivated.

You got carried away instantly and you wanted to make money online. I love your passion since you want to be independent and make a whole a lot of money online.

You were told blogging is fun but do you know that driving quality traffic to a new blog without a name [not popular], quality backlinks for quick rank, full knowledge of SEO, quality domain, and page authority, and possibly a social media enthusiasts is like a nightmare?


If you don’t know TRAFFIC is the strongest pillar of a successful blog. The only motivation that will keep your moral high as a blogger.

We are all newbie at a point. And the major problem is not blog monetization, the problem is traffic that converts. If you have quality traffic you will find a way to monetize your traffic, most especially if it’s from search.

In other not to break a bone reading this post, checking out Matthew Wood earning reports and you will surrender your blog arsenal and run after how to get traffic to your blog.

However, if you have facing difficulties on how to drive traffic to your new blog and you feel like you should quit due to lack of traffic. You may want to read this post.

Here today I will share with you how I drove a minimum of 2000 daily visitors to my blog Gadgetswright the moment I launched.

The blog is currently 10 months old and it has driven over 350,000 users with 600,000 pageviews without running adverts.

For clarification and for the sake of benefit of a doubt here are my proofs.

Gadgetswright traffic info from WordPress Dashboard.

Within 90 days this traffic source generated over 280,000 users. When you subtracted the organic search from the total user the rest are as a result of this traffic source I am about sharing here.

We won’t hide anything from you. Everything you need to know to hits your first 1500 visitors without search engine traffic will be revealed here in this post.

Gadgetswright traffic info from Google Analytics Dashboard

I started using the technique I am about to share with you here May this year and it has since drive over 300,000 users to my blog. Then why not share the same approach with you. In May alone the monthly user was about 90,000 plus.

All the traffic are direct and they are not from Facebook. No Facebook advert and no group posting. No black-hat SEO or link building. No social media blasting as well.

This technique will ring a traffic jingle to your hearing. It is left for you if you can take action and change from no traffic to a surplus traffic without spending a dime on adverts.

No need to tell you that this post is a raw gold and you are about to read the most amazing post on how to drive traffic to a new blog.

This work for me without stress, It can work for you even better!

How to Drive Traffic to a New Blog without Google

While this traffic source is free you also need to put in your best. This is no forum traffic. We know that forum is one of the best traffic sources but this is different from the traffic source. Another benefit of this traffic is that major visitors are from top tier 1 countries such as US, UK, Germany, England and the rest.

See the traffic source country I was talking about. Everything from Google analytic.


The whole process here today will be how to drive traffic to your new blog using Q&A website.

Q&A website means a website where people ask questions and expect users or visitors to provide an answer to their questions. The best answer takes the lead with either like, upvotes, or shares.

There are so many Q&A websites to drive traffic to a new blog. And specifically in this article, I will share a complete guide on how to drive traffic to your blog [new or old] using Quora Q&A website.

Up to this moment, my answers on Quora have received over a million [1,000,000] page views and the counting continues and I have answered over 200 answers on Quora.

How to Drive Minimum of 2000 Visitors to your Blog Daily

Here is the step by step procedure I followed to drive massive traffic to my blog using Quora Q&A website. All you need to do is follow the steps below to duplicate my strategy and drive as many as possible traffic to your blog.

Fire up a browser and visit Quora to create an account. If you have an account with Quora before now you can just skip this step. To ease yourself of the stress you can sign using your Gmail account or directly with your Facebook account. After that select your interest and lets Quora build your dashboard for the first time.

1. The moment you log to your Quora account you will see series of questions and answers by Quoran users. So how do you make use of this opportunity to drive traffic to your blog? Just continue reading you will get every gist you need to do the right thing.

Quora will start showing questions based on your interest on your Quora account page. You can read others answer to a question and choose to write a better answer. But how to do know the best post to answer on Quora so that you will be able to drive more traffic to your blog?

2. Open a new browser and visit Google search engine. Type in your current post keyword on Google and add Quora at the end. This is exactly what I am saying [Blog traffic Quora] and hit the enter key on your computer keyboard. This will show all questions that have been asked on Quora that are related to your query.

3. Click on any of the results above. Here is where the work lies. You don’t answer questions that won’t yield a result at the end. Now, you need to look for questions with a minimum of 12 followers. There are questions with 2.5k followers on Quora.  Once you have gotten a question with a minimum of 12 followers then you are half done.

4. Now it’s time to answer the question and drive traffic to your own blog answering the question. Click on “Answer” button and write your own answer and link to relevant page on your blog. Do not copy your own post and other blog post and if you post copy your own post makes sure you understand Quora rules of answering a question so that your account will not be suspended and could be terminated if found spamming.

Note: Do not link to more than 2 pages on your blog otherwise your post will be deleted by moderator or collapse from the page.

5. To start seeing the result you need to write a quality answer that will attract as many votes as possible. An upvote means positive and downvote means not relevant. However, if you posts are been downvoted the post will lose it rank and the post will be moved to the button of the page.

A post with 5k upvotes on Quora can put a meal on your table for a month without stress. No SEO required and no backlink needed.

This is an example of a relevant answer on Quora. Almost everybody loves the answer and it’s getting more votes every day.

Final Words

There are many Q&A website just like Quora. There is Yahoo Q&A, Cnet Q&A, Microsoft Q&A and a whole lot of them. However, Quora has proved to be the best for bloggers who can exploit the privilege. If you can follow this step by step guide you can be guaranteed at least 1500 visitors from Quora alone to your website without spending a dime.

Let’s Talk

Looks like i have said so much about so much on how to drive traffic using Question and Answer site, now it’s time to pass the keyboard to you guys.

Do you have comments, questions, and thoughts you’d love to share with us? Please do use the comment box below… remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and most appreciated.

Do not forget to share this post with friends and help them get the desire traffic they need to kick start their blog.

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