We have been eating avocado toast every day. For breakfast, for lunch, for snack, and even sometimes for supper. If you’ve never tried avocado toast, you are missing out on one of the most decadently delicious yet healthy-for-you foods on earth.
Many of you know already how to indulge in avocado toast. I’ve seen your photos on Instagram and Pinterest; delicious artisan breads slathered with perfectly ripe and creamy avocado. Avocados perfectly sliced and elegantly arranged on whole grain goodness, or mashed on top of a beautiful piece of sourdough.
Some of you (you know who you are) have never tried this delicacy. Is it because you don’t know how? If this is all that is keeping you from sharing the deliciousness that is avocado toast, today is your lucky day. It’s Avocado Toast 101.
Start with a really good piece of bread. We are partial to sourdough bread, but you can use any bread that you happen to have in the house. Toast the bread. Peel and remove the pit of the avocado.
Arrange the slices of avocado on the toast. Add salt and pepper or seasoning that you love. At this point you can eat. OR you can use a fork to mash the avocado, which will help it stay on the toast and will make it easier to eat. Add the salt, pepper, or seasonings and eat. OR you can go one step further and add toppings. Like ripe California olives. Or Pistachios. Or Feta cheese. Or leftovers … chicken, meatballs, ham, crab cakes, nuts…you get the idea!
We had some crab cakes for supper one evening, so I smashed a crab cake and put the pieces on top of my avocado toast for lunch the next day. I used Asiago bread for the toast. Brilliant.
Bacon on avoado toast for breakfast or lunch?
These Avocado and Olive Snack Bites were delicious. By now I’ll bet you have some ideas for toppings on avocado toast yourself. I’d love to hear about your avocado toast combinations…leave me a comment, or post a photo on my Pinterest board Avocado Toast: Yum! Send me an e-mail and I’ll send you an invitation to post on the board.