How to Decorate Your Home with Greenery

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

How to decorate your home with greenery

Just because summer is over does not mean that you can't still enjoy some greenery. The colour green is extremely soothing and the good news is that you can welcome green into your home no matter the season.

The first tip is to consider a green wreath for your door. You don't need a completely green wreath. You can use a basic dry vine wreath as a base and add some green leaves to create the appearance of a dream catcher if you like.

Another great idea is to display small potted plants throughout your home. Make sure that they suit the environment where you wish to set them. Plants can be displayed in various locations including windows, coffee tables, and even shelves. Hanging plants are also lovely.

If you have a larger room and some floor space, you can place a large potted plant in a suitable corner. Remember, the corner should receive enough light and fresh air according to the needs of the plant. Keep the plant away from any sources of heat or air conditions. Extreme temperatures are not good for any plant.

Sometimes it's that subtle touch that makes call the difference. Consider the amazing impact that a cluster of bud arrangements has on a room. When creating bud arrangements, it's good to note that you are not limited to flowers alone. You can use foliage instead if you like! Consider using several blue vases or bottles and slip a lovely fern leaf into each one.

Finally, don't forget about wall arrangements or special pots for plants that are designed for hanging on your walls. It's best to plant small, slow growing plants in these pots and make sure that they will enjoy their environment.