How To Deal With Huge, Enormous And Humongous Problems In Life

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

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In life, big problems come along all the time. Enormous problems arrive once in a while, and humongous problems – the biggest of the lot – are an annual occurrence for most of us. 

Given that problems of various sizes are a part of life, what can we do about them? How can we navigate the world without letting them get the better of us, emotionally, mentally or physically? 

Well, it won’t come as any surprise that it all starts in the mind. As an ancient philosopher once put it, “the master confronts problems, he never experiences them.”

Here’s what you need to do: 

Accept That Life Has Problems

Many people go through life with a romantic ideal, believing that everything should work out for them. However, that’s not how it works. In many ways, the universe is indifferent to many of the things you want. Except for the lucky few, most people encounter stiff resistance in all walks of life, no matter where they go or what they try to achieve. 

Try approaching things differently. Accept that everything in life eventually goes wrong. Jobs are lost. Relationships fail. Friends leave. Everything goes wrong at some point. 

Laugh At It

Sometimes when something big goes wrong in your life, there’s nothing left to do but laugh at it. You put your heart and soul into something, but when it comes to nothing, there’s not much you can do but smile and say “oh well, that didn’t work.”

Get Support

Going through life alone is tough. Some people can do it, but for the rest of us mere mortals, it’s a struggle. We need people by our side to feel like we can continue moving forwards. 

In some cases, the support you need is personal. Having family and friends around after a loved one passes away, for instance, can be helpful. 

In other cases, you need professional support. Getting an attorney to support your criminal defense, for instance, is vital. You don’t want to do it by yourself.

Find Something You Can Control

True story: there was a man who found out one day that his wife had been having an affair. Worse still, she had told him lies about how wealthy she was that led him to quit his job.

Upon finding out about the lying and cheating, the man had nothing, not even money to go to the dentist to resolve a tooth infection. In that moment, he discovered, though, that he could control the situation. He immediately moved out and went back home to live with his parents. He then got his tooth fixed, took a job and, after a couple of years, earned what many people would consider “financial freedom.” 

The moral of the story is this: you can always take control of your situation, no matter what happens. Even if nightmares are unfolding before your eyes, you still have agency. You can still ask yourself, “what can I do right now that will improve my life?” You can do it!

Thank you for reading!