How To Cure Acne Naturally – 3 Powerful Natural Acne Remedies That Clear Your Skin Of Acne Fast

By Vicknesh @wellhealthblog
Acne is complex skin condition that affects most of us. The surge of hormonal changes during the puberty stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce oil more than usual. This oily substance called sebum produced by the glands clogs the pores and accumulates dirt and P.bacteria, which cause an inflammation within the pores.  The inflamed pores manifest on the skin surface as a pimple.My goal in this article is to show the best natural remedies that treat acne and nourish your skin. The natural approaches have worked for me an many of other.1.Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Skin.If you have apple cider vinegar in your kitchen, then I strongly urge you to apply it on your skin to clear up acne. Many cleansers that you usually put on your face and body spoil your skin acidity balance. When the skin is in balance, it helps fight acne bacteria, germs and ward off pollution, which can contribute the formation of acne.Apple cider vinegar is an effective natural treatment for acne that preserves the acidity balance. Also, it has qualities that can break away dead skin cells, fight P.bacteria, remove oil and dirt that clog the pores.To apply apple cider vinegar you need simply:
  • Wash your skin and face.
  • Dilute apple cider vinegar in water and apply it to the acne areas with  a cotton ball as a toner.
After two weeks of application, your skin will become soft, the pores smaller and scars will disappear.2.Use Essential Oils on Your FaceTea tree oil, lavender oil and rose oil are the best essential oils when it comes at treating acne and many skin problems. These oils have antibacterial qualities which can fight bacteria that cause acne. Make sure you buy high-grade oil that is approved for skin use. To apply it to your skin and face, you need first to dilute the heavily concentrated oils in a base oil, such as almond oil or coconut oil, and then move some in circular move onto your acne areas for 10 minutes.3.Use Pantry Staples on Your FaceOne of the best acne-fighting remedies is to find common ingredients from your pantry and apply them to your skin and face. You can apply honey, lemon juice, banana peels, egg whites or garlic paste.The application is very easy, just rub these onto acne areas, letting them on your skin until they dry and washing them off with some water.By Slevin Maya