How to Create Timeless Kitchens

By Simone Design Blog @HomeSpire

A perfect kitchen with a classical layout will outlive the cycles of time and changing trends. Unfortunately, the planned kitchen makeover could be a very expensive home improvement. Still, your kitchen renovating project could be a wise investment, in case you won't consider moving to another place of residence any time soon.

Most households can't afford kitchen improvements in short periods of time. Therefore, the best way to spend your budget is to choose a design that would last and what would still look great even after a decade or more. You can achieve this easily, by picking a classic kitchen outlook with small updates that won't ruin the overall conception of the kitchen layout.

Once you have the money and the right idea how to do the remodelling, try to choose a timeless design that will make the kitchen look classy. Also, keep in mind the fact that after all, your kitchen would be used as a room where food is prepared, so durability is also of a great importance.

We would like to share with you some ideas how to make a timeless kitchen with classic design that will withstand the rigours of time and fashion.

Even restaurant kitchens tend to use counter-tops made out of stainless steel. Stainless steel is a classic material that can survive many years of heavy use. To update the beauty and the functionality of your kitchen, choose accessories and appliances, which will complement one another. There are many cook-tops, dishwashers, refrigerators, etc. that are made from reliable stainless steel. Shiny, stylish and durable, these accessories are designed to last for a long time.

If you are not one of the people who like metal parts and counter-tops in their kitchens because they prefer more traditional-looking interior, you can pick a bit more expensive classic-looking alternative such as natural stone. The combination of charm and durability of the natural stone layout will match perfectly the classic appeal of any farmhouse sinks.

If you need a renovation idea that would add a modernistic touch to your kitchen interior without ruining the classic vision of the room, choose a counter-top installation. Quartz resembles the look of marble, which is often used in counter-tops. If you are making your home renovations on a tight budget, you can choose the affordable equivalent for your kitchen that will still look great.

A bead board installation is also an excellent idea when it comes to creating a timeless and stylish kitchen design. This improvement is not only pleases the eye but also it can be put in use. Bead boards would never go out of trend. Choose different shapes, materials and colours in order to make it look the way you like it. Classic is a classic, even if it is new.

You should to stay away from all the trendy outlooks and styles, if you want to have a sleek timeless kitchen. Go for solutions that feature a design, which is to withstand all the challenges of time. For example - white and other brightly-coloured kitchens are always popular. A contrast accessory addition will spice the kitchen design up without ruining its timeless appeal. Natural materials or good imitations are also classy improvements that won't go out of fashion. A perfect example are the natural oak doors - a classic must-have for every timeless-looking kitchen.

Remember that choosing the design that you would be happy with is the most significant part of every timeless kitchen fitting. Colourless, cold and industrial-looking kitchens are not timeless - they are just considered as boring and unfriendly. What we suggest is making up an improvement concept that will bet on a basic outlook - stylish but not fashion-dependent. If you want to add a little bit of joy in the simple kitchen design, you can install modern appliances and other adventurous-looking accessories.