How to Create a Newsletter That Stands out in Your Subscriber’s Inbox

Posted on the 25 July 2019 by Kronicgeek

Newsletters are a reliable way to keep your audience engaged and informed about your business. They can keep traffic flowing into your website, update readers about new products or services and send special offers that can increase your conversions. But to achieve any of this, your newsletter needs to have an effective and engaging design.

You can't simply treat it as another marketing campaign. If your readers willingly gave their permission to receive your newsletter on a frequent basis, what you provide in it needs to add enough value to justify the subscription. Here's how to create a newsletter that stands out among the countless other emails your readers have in their inbox.

Focus on Branding

Even when it comes to newsletters, branding matters. Include a header that asserts your branding as well as your company name and logo. Ensure that both of the latter components contain links to your website. It would also be wise to keep the color scheme of your newsletter consistent with that of your logo to further reinforce your branding.

Add Value

If your newsletters contain nothing more than a list of your products, chances are your readers will lose interest and unsubscribe. Instead, focus on adding value by including content that is relevant to the topics your readers care about. It should be something that educates and entertains them. This will give your audience a good reason to stay subscribed.

Nail the Look

A well-designed newsletter will make your products look more attractive, your brand more professional, and your call to actions less like advertisements. They will strategically draw readers' attention to specific parts of the email and subsequently increase conversions.

This resource provides a variety of examples of newsletters that feature excellent design. SendinBlue also explain how certain elements provoke a certain action or emotion from the reader that is beneficial to the business. Be sure to check it out for some inspiration for your own newsletter design.

Make it Efficient

Your readers are likely to already have enough companies flooding their inbox with marketing newsletters that provide little to no value. To make your newsletter stand above the rest, make it simple, straightforward and digestible. This should happen before they even subscribe, so your signup page should tell your readers exactly what to expect.

Align Your Brand with Experts

Building authority and creating legitimacy around your brand is especially important for small or new businesses. Your newsletter is a great place to do this. Include links to brands that you've partnered with and quotes or content from leading influencers in your industry, instead of only having content about your own brand.

You further improve on this by including content from your audience. This includes answers to frequently asked questions, comments from your readers, community content, and interesting examples of how your product or service is being used.


When you incorporate these elements, your newsletter can easily become one of the most effective components of your marketing strategy. Glance over a few examples of successful newsletters, get inspired and use these elements to create a killer newsletter of your own.