How to Create a Mindful Student

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

My daughter started taking education courses during her freshman year of high school. Her teacher was impressed with my daughter’s work in the childhood education class and encouraged my daughter to start the teacher intern program her junior year. At the beginning of school, my daughter started her teacher intern program. This program allows her to go over to the elementary school a few times a week and help with the deaf ed students for several hours. She has enjoyed being a part of this class and I am proud of her getting the hands on experience. As most of my readers probably already know, my daughter was born with a bilateral hearing loss and wears two cochlear implants.

I am proud of my daughter for wanting to be a teacher when she grows up. I know that students today are a bit different from what they are years ago. I realize that some of these issues have been there for a very long time but now there is more technology involved and more awareness of the issues that go on today. I remember growing up if you got sent to the principal’s office you could actually get a spanking with a wooden paddle. Today, schools have given the discipline responsibility back to the parents and some parents don’t care what their child does in school.

I remember being bullied one time in 7 or 8th grade and I ended up letting a teacher that I trusted know what was going on. After I reported the incident, the teacher let the principal know what was going on and we were both called to the office. I remember the girl stopped messing with me after the principal knew what was going on. However, this same situation happened to my sister a few years ago. My dad called the school and they never took care of the problem. One day, my sister had to defend herself because the girl wouldn’t stop messing with her. Needless to say it took my sister taking care of the issue herself and getting into trouble before the girl stopped. Just for the record, my dad didn’t encourage them to fight or use violence to take care of the situation but he felt that my sister needed to stand up for herself.

Today, I wanted to share with you an infographic on how to help your student be mindful of the students around them and reduce their stress levels. These techniques can make the classroom a pleasant environment for everyone. The mindfulness techniques are being implemented more and more to help reduce the stress on both the teachers and students. Here are some benefits of the mindfulness techniques:

  • Less time wasted on classroom interruptions and discipline.
  • Student suspensions reduced by 45%.
  • Teachers can get through the curriculum without constant interruptions.
  • Students can learn more information and have plenty of time to ask questions in class.
  • Both students and teachers will have a stronger immune system because they aren’t constantly stressed out.
  • Students are happier.

The Mindful Revolution – How It’s Affecting Teachers and Students

Nova Southeastern University Online Master’s in Teaching & Learning

I would love to see these techniques implemented in every school. I have been to my daughter’s school and seen how crazy it is in the classroom. Kids today often have their cell phones with them in class and I can see how it can cause quite a bit of disruption.

What is one thing thing that you learned from this inforgraphic? Do you think mindfulness techniques would help your child’s classroom?

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