I now had worked at 3 TV stations and ending up in Calgary. And I was getting tired of making tv commercials. Then one of us quit to make movies. I saw that and waited and finally decided to write a screenplay, my first feature. Ghostkeeper. Me on the left and John Holbrook, who shot the film.
I had a friend who had a friend who owned a nice old hotel near Lake Louise. Actually the hotel was his. Around the time there were a lot of new-wave horror films and I was thinking I should make one. We had the hotel as it was closed in the winter.
We needed a creature and I finished writing the screenplay. We worked through spring and summer and fall until another friend who worked with me in the past found money. Around $350,000. ((Equal to $1.8 million in today's amount).
We were ready to go in late December 1980. Here's the shoot in one big collection.
But there was one big problem. We didn't get all the money we expected and suddenly the chase on the old hotel's roof would not be done. And we had only a couple of days to figure out something. Simple.
Next: Simple.