How to Create a Christmas Atmosphere

By Marilovesgr33n @marilovesgr33n


I can’t deny that I’d love to live a Christmas with snow outside. In a huge house with lots of rooms, two fireplaces and nestled in the woods.I’d like to go there from tonight, the 23rd evening, with my family and my close friends and begin to set up everything.Garlands of ivy and holly berries. A big writing outside the door It’s Christmas” maybe in French C’est Noel“.Hang clumps of pine needles hung everywhere, holly bushes and every corner of the house illuminate with lots of white lights.

I’d like to wrap gifts all the morning Eve with brown wrapping paper and red bows.

I would wear my most beautiful red dress – the one I still don’t have – and dance with a silver bow tied to the wrist.

This would be the Christmas of my dreams, like in American movies, but it does not matter it is not exactly as I wish, because I’m  lucky enough to spend it with the people who really matter and I really love