How to Create a Child-free Oasis of Calm in Your Home

By Adorablehome

Parenting is hard work. From the moment your child is born, they are dependent on you for everything. It's a huge responsibility, which is why many parents find the early years so difficult. They can't be selfish creatures anymore; not with another human being relying on them.

Because being a parent is stressful, with very little free time for self-care, it's necessary to carve out some space in the day where you can get away from toys, dirty dishes, and child chaos. Since it's not acceptable to leave your kids home alone, the best solution is to create a child-free zone in your home, where you don't have to look at the mess your kids left all over the floor.

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You've probably heard of a 'man cave' or 'she shed' - well take this idea onboard and turn it into a parent oasis of calm. It could be a room or just a snug in a larger room. However you create it, the most important thing is that the kids are not allowed to desecrate your space. This means no toys, no kid snacks smushed into the cushions, and definitely no awful children's DVDs or games linked to the TV.

Nope, this is where you can relax, enjoy some peace and quiet, and forget you are a parent for a blissful 15 minutes (and hopefully a bit longer, praise be).

With little kids around, being precious about the décor makes no sense at all. Flooring needs to be hardwearing and easy to clean; walls a shade that hides crayon marks or is easy to touch up (aka white). Since this is your own space and the kids won't be allowed in, you can decorate it in a different style. Splash out on fancy wallpaper or luxe paints. Choose colors you wouldn't normally go for, such as dark blue or purple. Be brave!

Furnish Your Child-free Oasis

To fully relax, you need the right furniture. A soft sofa or squishy chair is essential, or even a large beanbag chair. You don't need to worry about washable covers; choose a style that you like, rather than one that's child-proof. If you feel like investing in a cream sofa, why not? As long as you can lock the door when the room isn't in use, your sofa is safe from grubby hands.

Since this is a room for relaxation, furnish it with all the essentials, such as an entertainment center with a large TV and game console (if that's your passion in life). If you love reading, buy a bookcase and fill it with books. Keep a coffee maker and minifridge in there if it feels right.

Cover the walls with pictures you like, photos that remind you of happy times, and anything else that brings you joy. You want this space to feel relaxing when you are in there, so you can leave your worries behind.

Once you have a happy oasis where you can retreat if the stress of being a parent is killing you, life will feel so much easier.