How to Cover a Lever Arch File

By Hollie Brooks @MiaFleur_home

Continuing our mission to banish ugly, functional objects we have returned to the lever arch file and given them a contemporary vibe in gold and marble. If you prefer a more vintage feel, have a look at our previous how to, where we covered them in a beautiful floral fabric. Gone are the old days when sticky backed plastic was fit only for lining hidden kitchen cupboard shelving or for covering the kid’s school books. This marble effect version in cream, gray and white is very stylish and perfect for the job of transforming utilitarian lever arch files. And since marble and gold is the hit of the season we have brought you our very own version of glam office décor.

You will need:

Lever arch file

Sticky backed plastic available from ebay

Gold spray paint

Ruler, pen and scissors or rotary mat, scalpel and safety ruler.

Soft cloth

Here’s the instructions for covering a whole folder in sticky back plastic:

1. Lay the sticky backed plastic reverse side up and place the file opened out on it and position in line with the grid already marked for you. Cut the plastic to size, but  allowing enough excess to turn over the edges.

2. Mark a line on the plastic at each corner of the file, 45 degrees to the file edge.

3. Cut along the lines you just marked on each of the four corners.

4. Mark and cut 2 small notches from top and 2 small notches from the bottom of file where the file folds.

5. Peel away one edge of the protective backing, but don’t start sticking yet, just mark where the edge of the folder should sit, so that when you are ready to start, you know where to line it up correctly.

6. Lay the file out flat on the reverse of the plastic and starting at one end carefully peel away the protective backing from the plastic folding the inside flap in.

7. Make sure it is positioned correctly and then smooth over with the cloth to get rid of air bubbles. Continue in this way a small section at a time over the front of the file, smoothing out air bubbles and making sure the plastic adheres to the file.

8. Turn the file over and lay flat so that you can carefully fold the flaps in and smooth them down.

The instructions for the folder with marble front and back, and gold spine are very similar:

1. Spray the spine of the file gold (preferably outside and making sure you have a good sized sheet or cardboard laid down first) with several light coats of spray paint so it doesn’t run or clog. Allow time between each coat for the paint to dry.

2.Lay the file down on the reverse side of the plastic so you can mark the shape. Cut along the edge that will butt up to the spin and again cut the corners at right angles for tuning in.

3. Start at the edge of the spine and remove the backing making sure you have it positioned in a straight line along the spin and smooth over with the cloth to remove air bubbles.   Carefully remove all the backing whilst smoothing out the plastic and then turn in the flaps and smooth them down.

4. Repeat for the other side of the file.

And for the gold version of the lever arch file just spray all over in even thin coats allowing the paint to dry in between until you are happy with the coverage. The jam jar has been sprayed in the same way and then a strip of marble sticky backed plastic cut to fit the center of the jar. Choose a jar that has straight side so that the plastic doesn’t have to be shaped to fit.

What a glamorous collection of lever arch files and who would have thought it would be so simple or so cheap to do?   Combined with the gold and marble pen pot they make even the simplest office shelf or desk into a thing of beauty.

Jacqui x

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Photography: Amelia Brooks/ Styling: Jacqui & Amelia Brooks