How to Clean Your Matted Hair Extensions at Root

Posted on the 12 March 2020 by Yashukai43
Before we talk about how to clean your matted hair extensions at root, you should know that, in most cases, these extensions are generally safe. The problem lies in the fact that they are usually grown on the scalp which is much too coarse for the tresses of your natural hair. If the extensions are not properly conditioned and nurtured, they will eventually start matting or forming knots, which means that the natural strands of your hair are beginning to take over.

In addition, you should also know that what you see on the packaging is not always the product description. For example, when a product is manufactured to be used on matted hair extensions at root, it is extremely unlikely that it will look and feel the same as if it were purchased individually, in an all-natural conditioner.

As with most commercial products, those which are promoted as all-natural, are made with high levels of chemical additives and preservatives, which can have negative effects on your health. These chemicals can have various effects on your body including; dry skin, acne, dry hair, premature graying of your hair, irritations, and even organ toxicity. Check out my shampoo and conditioner for curly hair here.

You should also know that these products will not grow the hair that you want. This is mainly because they have no real way of being transplanted to the roots of your head. Their ability to keep the hair in place also fails to help matters because they are simply too rough and crumbly to support the growth of fine, thick hair.

They may also affect the color of your hair as well as how well it forms. For example, if you use a conditioner that contains an additive called ammonium lauryl sulfate, this compound will act to disrupt the PH balance of your scalp, causing the hair to become dull and brittle, or it may even produce hair breakage.

It is not the only problem that may occur either. Some of the ingredients may even result in the breakdown of your body's own sebum, which would result in a build up of oil on your scalp and eventually resulting in the development of dandruff.

When considering the process of how to clean your matted hair extensions at root, you should consider alternatives. Rather than simply stripping your extensions of their natural luster, you may want to consider investing in a shampoo and conditioner, which will provide the luster and softness that they once had and are used to in your daily life. You can also try different Eye Makeup Styles from this post.

Using an all-natural product like this will not only provide the added extra shine and sheen that your natural hair lacks, but it will also stimulate the natural flow of growth. A product like this can help in controlling your hair loss as well, as it can also make your hair healthier.