How to Clarify and Focus on Priorities That Will Move Your Small Business Forward

By Lindaluke @coachlindaluke

Most businesses have multiple projects and an unending list of things to be done.  Some consultants recommend doing the easy things first, others say the opposite.  My suggestions are a little different.

  1. Know your “Must Dos”: These are items that are locked in, like appointments, meetings, commitments, and promises.
  2. Honor Your Systems: If you set up a plan to invoice clients on the first of each month, or enter data on Fridays, staying consistent with those actions becomes a priority.
  3. Stay in Alignment with Your Core Intentions, Objectives and Goals: It is easy to be side tracked by bright shiny objects that might even feel good for your business, but are not the most effective use of your time.
  4. Know the Immediate Needs of Your Business: If you need immediate cash flow, working on long term strategies may not be as important as focusing on a short term plan.  If your business has grown and is starting to feel overwhelming, you may want to spend time on strategic planning and organization.
  5. Ask Yourself the Right Questions:
  • What is the next most important step that will move me forward toward my goals?
  • What should I focus on to take care of the most immediate needs of my business?
  • What am I not doing, that if I did would move things forward dramatically?
  • Is what I am doing now the best use of my time?
  • Is what I am doing working or is it time to try something else?
  • Is this a distraction, future project, or a priority to focus on now?
  • What is my heart/gut telling me I should really be doing right now?