How to Choose the Right Water Ionizer for You

By Gfl

For decades, water ionizers have been used in Asia to help treat conditions including arthritis, weight problems, cancer, inflammatory conditions, digestive issues, skin disorders, acid reflux, allergies, fatigue, gout, and even chronic pain. Alkaline water works by restoring the body’s natural pH balance, acting as a potent antioxidant, and stimulating cellular hydration – and achieving these health benefits is as easy as choosing the right water ionizer to suit your needs.

You can obtain a water report from your municipality, or if you have well water, you can have your local health department to have your water analyzed. Tap water is generally preferred for ionization, since the acidity of well water can make the process more difficult. However, it is possible, and knowing the current state of your water can give you a better idea of what kind of ionizer to purchase.

Two popular types of water ionizers are made by Aquatonic and AlkaViva, and both products are on the cutting edge of water ionizing technology.


Aquatonic’s AQ300 Water Ionizer has the advantage of being the lowest priced ionizer on the market, but still offers great value for the investment. Using three large electrodes, this ionizer produces alkaline water with a very high pH. While it may struggle to produce water at a 9.5 or 10 pH in every well-water situation, it does achieve this charge with all municipal water. This model takes an extra step to reduce mineralization by fully draining the electrode chamber between each use.


The AlkaViva Athena H2 water ionizer features impressive filtration capabilities, using a duel filtration system with a power-boost that helps regulate a consistent pH output. This model automatically cleans itself during operation and has a valve that controls flow-rate to make it easier on your faucet. Not only does this ionizer balance the pH of your water to offer an alkaline result, it removes the majority of the other impurities in your water – including fluoride.

Things to remember:

The majority of ionizers use between three to seven electrodes, distributed along the surface area of the electrode plate. Generally, you can assume that the longer the surface area, the stronger the ionization will be. Electrodes are usually made from titanium and coated with platinum – but some manufacturers will try to use cheaper electrodes of iridium or ruthenium, which are toxic and should be avoided.

High-alkaline water produced by an ionizer with three to seven electrodes will produce water within the drinkable range of 9.5 to 10, but some of the models containing six or seven electrodes can produce water with a pH of 11 or higher – which is not recommended for drinking. The pH range for water should generally be between 4 and 10. Your skin and hair usually show a pH balance of 5.5, and a pH of 3-4 can be used as a disinfectant for cleaning or healing a wound.

Most ionizers on the market will show an “ORP Range,” which gives the consumer an idea of the model’s Oxidation Reduction Potential. This refers to the negative charge the resulting alkaline water will show. Tap water is usually at +250 to +350, and a good ionizer will be able to reduce that millivoltage charge to -350 or lower. Keep in mind that this charge will depend on the related charge of the source water.

Ionizers can usually be installed a number of ways. Frequently, these systems are installed at the sink with a diverter from the tap, plumbed directly to the cold water line at the sink, or under the sink, out of sight in the cabinet, with a small dedicated faucet.

When shopping for a water ionizer, look for a warranty. Ionizers are expected to last at least ten years, with an average longevity of closer to 15-20 years. This, of course, assumes the system is being routinely cared for, with a deep cleaning each year. Most ionizers offer at least a five year warranty – if it doesn’t, it’s probably not a solid investment.

Other things to think about are design, easy of cleaning, and the size of your household, to help you determine what size ionizer you will need. Once you’ve figured out which is the best ionizer for you, get it installed and see how alkaline water can help improve your health and well-being.

Thank you to Katie Mills who wrote this article. Katie is a guest author from Steam Shower Store and is a respected and expert voice in a plethora of health related subjects with over 10 years of writing under her belt.