How to Choose the Best Benchtop Jointer in 2019

By Kravelv

When thinking about a benchtop jointer, think about how comfortable you can work with it and the type of jobs you intend to do. The more experienced you get in the woodworking, the heavier the jointer you will need to have in the workshop.

It is therefore essential to look at the best tips to aid you in buying the best benchtop jointer in 2019.

  1. The Cost – When considering the cost, say the Lie Nielsen No 8, this would be a great tool to invest in. But then think about how often you intend to use it, it will do a great job from start to finish, but if you only have small roles, the No 5, which is less costly will do the same job, and the cost is not as much.
  2. The type of the wood finish – Most people who deal with carpentry have different sources of buying their wood from. They may source from wholesalers, and if it’s for direct use, retailers also bridge the gap over the wholesalers who may be willing to sell in bulk. As such depending on where you source the wood from, it’s essential to choose a type of a jointer to give you the perfect and also the desirable finish.
  3. The edges of the wood surfaces – Since rough wood will take a lot of time to smoothen to the desired level; woodworkers will go for the jointer that is strong enough to withstand the challenges of flattening such type of surfaces and especially if they have blemishes on the edges.
  4. The flatness of the wood – Wooden surfaces can bend due to storage or even nature. A good jointer will be able to sharpen the edges and make a finish that nobody can realize its fault.
  5. Measurements of the wood – An experienced carpenter will keep checking on the measurements of the wood they intend to work with. With this in mind, a jointer will measure the edges to fit the intended work and get uncompromised finishes.
  6. Surface imperfections – Not every type of wood will be perfect and some may have hindrances that may seem hard to get a high-end furniture finish. However, when an experienced carpenter has a strong jointer for the type of wood that is imbalanced, then he can shape the result as per the desired requirements.
  7. Any wood twisting –  A jointer will be a suitable type of a tool to help in flattening those areas where the two edges of the wood are not able to lay perfectly on the plane and are twisting away from each other.
  8. Second Hand Jointers – Whereas they still work, most second-hand tools depreciate faster and may not give value for your money which may cause stress and loss of hours trying to repair it. In this case, a wooden plane would be much more consideration to buy as compared to a second-hand jointer.
  9. Choose an easy to handle jointer – As you grow into the field of the woodwork, start simply as you advance further with the experience that is needed.
  10. The size – It’s important to understand the size of a jointer you intend to use, For instance, the no 5 plane is considered as the jack of all trades and will carry all the woodworking jobs. Mostly, it is used from the preparation of the woodworking job to the very end. Again it is not heavy, and as such, less effort is required to drive it. This means that one can use it for hours without getting tired.

In conclusion, it’s worth noting that choosing the right jointer for your workshop will lead to more work and you end up gaining more in terms of attracting more customers with the perfect wood finishes you have in the workshop.

Every woodworking workshop must have a jointer to ensure they are considered a serious workshop. On the other hand, a jointer in 2019 is the center of attraction of any finish, you miss it, and you lose the customer’s attraction. Every carpenter will enjoy the efficiency, and the end finish the jointer will offer. Considering to take into account the mentioned pointers will help one to get the best jointer in 2019.