How to Choose Jewellery for The Season

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I have the following question: living in the Northern hemisphere I am wondering what jewelry looks right in the darker seasons. More sparkle? Warmer or deeper colours? What styles look good with warmer clothes? I look horrible in turtlenecks so will continue to wear wider necklines (covered with a scarf, obviously, outside) but am a bit clueless as to what to wear in drab daylight and under artificial lighting.

Thanks in advance

Seasonal Jewellery by imogenl featuring pendant jewelry

In winter your jewelry can be heavier in it’s weight and feel.  In summer, a heavy necklace feels hot and bothersome.  You can wear sparkle all year round, but glass jewelry tends to look better in summer than winter.  Anything lighter and airy has more of a summer feel.  Winter is the time for larger pieces.  Jewellery made of materials like wood or polished stone are ideal in winter as are darker colours and warmer tones such as red, orange and amber.  Warmer weather calls for lighter cooler colours, more space and air in the pieces. But of course, diamonds never go out of style, nor do pearls, no matter what the season.

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