How to Change Favicon in Genesis WordPress Theme

Posted on the 26 May 2013 by Mobashhir @HOWTOWORDS

I have noticed a plenty of blogger using Genesis Theme did not change favicon in Genesis. There are a number of methods which can be used to change favicon in Genesis WordPress theme. Here is genesis icon is looks like.

And it is necessary to change default favicon in genesis with your custom favicon. It will increase your branding. Here I will show you three methods to change favicon in genesis WordPress theme.

Change Favicon in Genesis WordPress Theme Using FTP

This method is for those who know how to use FTP. First of all make your custom favicon and convert it to .ico file. It is recommended your favicon size could be 16×16.

Convert your logo or favicon online

After conversion give it name favicon.ico. Now access your FTP account and upload your favicon.ico file to public_html >> wp-content >> themes >> genesis >> images

Now repeat the same process to public_html >> wp-content >> themes >> YOUR CHILD THEME >> images

If you ask to overwrite the file then grant overwrite or replace old favicon file.

Change Favicon in Genesis WordPress Theme Manually

This method is for those who are not familiar with FTP. But this will require a little attention. Because you have to add some PHP codes in theme file.

See Also: Add Twitter Follow Widget

First of all upload your favicon.ico file to anywhere you want. In my case I have upload it in my upload folder. Now copy the code into a note pad and replace YOUR LINK with your favicon icon link.

/** Load custom favicon to header */

add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_load_favicon’, ‘custom_favicon_filter’ );

function custom_favicon_filter( $favicon_url ) {

return ‘YOUR LINK‘;


It will looks like below code after editing.

/** Load custom favicon to header */

add_filter( ‘genesis_pre_load_favicon’, ‘custom_favicon_filter’ );

function custom_favicon_filter( $favicon_url ) {

return ‘‘;


Now after editing copy the entire edited code and paste it to your functions.php file of your child theme.

Follow the track path.

  • Login in to dashboard
  • Click on Appearance then click on Editor
  • Now open up functions.php file
  • Paste the code at the end.
  • Save the file that’s it.

Change Favicon in Genesis WordPress Theme Using Plugin

If you are unable to follow above methods to Change Favicon in Genesis WordPress Theme, then I recommend using a plugin to upload your favicon. But this will require your plugin always remains active. If you deactivate this plugin after upload then your default genesis favicon will reappear again.

Download Genesis Favicon Uploader Plugin

If you are facing any trouble to change favicon in genesis WordPress theme then feel free to ask in comments.