REX MANNING DAY is finally going to be here!
Now the question becomes, how do we celebrate? What do we do to honor the day that Empire Records gave us all those years ago?
I’ve got a list of things that you can implement in your day to mark the occasion. Pick your favourites and get to work!
1) Guess the color of everyone’s underwear. It doesn’t matter if they’re light blue or not – the important thing is that if you guess enough all day long – you’re likely to be right at some point. Good luck.
2) Shave your head in the bathroom at work. I know that it isn’t directly related to Rex Manning Day. But it happened on Rex Manning Day and that’s good enough for me.
3) Throw caution to the wind and do the thing that you’ve always dreamed about. Tell someone you love them. Buy a record store. Get on stage with GWAR. Join a band and sing on a rooftop!
4) Sing along to Say No More Mon Amour. It’s a great song – no use denying it. And because we want to be helpful – here it is!
5) Introduce yourself as Warren. At Starbucks, order your venti caramel macchiato as Warren. If you meet a stranger, “Hi, my name is Warren”. And if you go to any event with sticker name tags and you better fill it out as Warren!
6) Spend some time in the photocopy room.
7) Bake some cupcakes and bring them to work in the morning a la Corey.
Get out there. Watch Empire Records with friends if you can. Be awesome and enjoy the heck out of Rex Manning Day!
I know I will.