How To Build Your Brewery Website On WordPress

Posted on the 16 December 2022 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

Small breweries typically have to do everything themselves. Whether it’s marketing, customer service, or sales, brewery owners are responsible for several tasks and wear many hats. So when they’re faced with building a brewery website, they may struggle to find enough time.

However, it’s very important that breweries have an online presence, and a good one at that. No brand can afford to suck online, and thanks to content management systems like WordPress, they don’t have to. In this article, we’ll help you build a great online presence for your brewery.

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How To Build Your Brewery Website On WordPress

Your first step is to open and start a brewery website on WordPress, which can take some time. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to start filling your website with valuable content and ads.

Download Brewery Management Software

Before setting up your website, get Ollie, an all-in-one application for breweries that helps manage customer relationships, order processing, brewery production, inventory, and payments in one platform. It simplifies the management process, giving you more time for other things.

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Select a WordPress Plan

The eCommerce plan is the best option because it accepts payments and offers premium design options for your store. You can also install plugins and utilize advanced SEO tools.

Set Up a Domain Name and Hosting Provider

Your domain should be your brand name. Bluehost is a great hosting provider, but get Choice Plus for your plan. It offers enhanced security features, which can better protect vital customer information. After purchasing your domain, you’ll gain access to the hosting dashboard.

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Install WordPress

If you’re using GoDaddy, click Web Hosting > Manage > Options & Settings > Popular Apps > WordPress to install WordPress. In 24 hours, your site will be installed on your hosting account.

Whether you’re using another hosting provider or GoDaddy, go to WordPress and click My Site > Domains > Make Primary, so people will see your website when searching your domain.

Choose Your Theme

A WordPress blog theme makes it easier to build a good-looking site. There are many themes to choose from, but try to keep it simple. When you find a theme you like, go to WordPress and select Appearance > Themes. Then, install it and begin customizing it inside the engine.

Add Posts and Pages

Content marketing is an essential part of building a brand. Brewery-site content should contain alcohol-specific topics and/or “how to build a brewery” content. Make sure you answer visitors’ questions, such as when you’re open, where you’re located, and how you built your business.

It’s crucial to develop a content strategy that includes a style guide and how often you post. There’s no right answer for posting frequency, but try to be consistent. To make your first post, go to the WordPress dashboard and click Posts > Add New. For pages, click Pages >Add New.

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Customize Your Site

To customize your site, select Settings > General. Here you can add your URL, email, time zones, and more. Settings > Reading changes your homepage and blog display settings. To change your navigation bar, select Appearance > Menu. If you want to upgrade the look of your site and you’re not a coder or designer, consider downloading the page builder Elegant Themes.

Install Plugins

All websites should download All in One SEO, The Events Calendar, Yoast SEO, TablePress, The SEO Framework, Weglot, and WP Rocket. All of these plugins help improve your viewer’s experience, your ability to target organic traffic and make your website look much better.

However, there are some brewery-specific plugins you should try. For example, “Easy Age Verifier” helps taprooms confirm their website visitors’ age, while “WP Restaurant Price List” shows your price list with a description and cost. Browse WordPress’s site for more plugins.

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