How To Build A Garden Box

Posted on the 19 April 2019 by Dailyfusion @dailyfusion

How To Build A Garden Box

Looking to grow some veggies in a garden box but haven't a clue how to go about it? It's very easy to build one yourself. All you'll need is a few basic tools and a helping hand. A garden box doesn't have to be too elaborate to get the job done. You'll only need a complicated design if you're looking to improve on the aesthetics. The main benefit of using a garden box is that it gives you control over the soil conditions, which are key to a good harvest. Here's a timely guide on how to build a garden box.

1. Location

The location of the box can mean the difference between a healthy crop and a poor one. You want your box in an area that makes it easier for you to operate and has the ideal conditions for the growth of your veggies. Put the box in an area that receives an adequate amount of sun throughout the day. Avoid shaded areas such as beneath trees and too close to the house. Make sure the garden box is close enough to your kitchen to make it easier to access. The area should also have enough space to hold all the boxes you intend to make and have enough space left for walkways.

2. Choose the Material

Before we can get into how to build a garden box, you need to pick the ideal material for your project. There's no one-size-fits-all solution for this. The choice of material will largely depend on your preference. The only thing you need to avoid is using rail toad ties and treated wood as they can leak toxins into your soil that will affect the growth of your veggies and become a health hazard. Some of the common material used to build garden boxes include stones, wood, and woven wattle. Stone is the most expensive but also the most durable. You can opt for stone if you love the look. Wood is the most popular material and can also last for a long time if you use a rot-resistant variety like redwood. Woven wattle garden boxes come ready made. They are woven boxes made using twigs. A well-designed garden box can help with the overall look of your backyard. Get in touch with a Royal Decks landscaping professional for tips.

3. Size

The next step is to determine the ideal size of box for your project. Make sure the box is not wider than 4 feet to allow you to reach into the middle from the sides. The depth should not exceed 24 inches and should be at least 12 inches. You might need more than one box depending on the number of veggies you want to plant. If you do, make sure they're well-spaced out to leave room for walkways. The walkways should be at least 18 inches wide if you're going to be using a wheelbarrow. Make sure the area is flat.

4. Building the Garden Box

If you go with wood as most people do, start off by setting the corner posts. For this, you will use 4×4 lumber. You can place them on the surface of the soil or root them several inches into the ground. Use 2×4 pieces of lumber for the sides. Attach the corners of the 2×4 to the corner posts using galvanized screws.

The next step is to line the bottom of the box with cardboard or newspaper. This prevents growing weeds and grass from accessing the box from underneath. Now fill the box with soil and compact it by standing on top of it.

5. Plant

You can now plant your veggies. Make sure to fertile the soil and rotate plants every season to keep the soil in tip-top condition.