How To Boost Your Blogging Micro-Business?

Posted on the 07 May 2019 by Witselx9

Blogging has essentially become a micro-business without investment. All you need to do is deliver what you believe in and understand if your audience likes your beliefs.

If you are already a blogger, then you must have an idea of what this article is going to be about. And most of you might already have these opportunities and may even be making use of these. Anyhow, these simple, yet effective plugins for your blogging business can boost your revenue manifolds. And the best part of it is you don't need to have an office space to expand. Anyway, your laptop is your office, and it will still remain the same.

Outsource Your Content

Many bloggers curate their own content. There's no doubt to it that this approach actually gets you the best content, just the way you like it. But you do realize as well that this method limits your potential to publish volumetric content.

To cope up with this dilemma, you can consider outsourcing your content. There is a plethora of freelance content writers out there. You can hire anyone you like, at a price that suits you. It is important that you try and buy. You can ask the writers to submit a few sample contents before you actually make up your mind to hire them. You need to make sure that the content they submit is full proof and does not contain any mistakes. Much like a company hires an employee after an interview.

Host Ads On Your Blog

Google has revolutionized the blogging industry. With the introduction of its ad module, Google pays the blogger for having ads running on their blogs. All you need to do is to plug the module in the backend of your blog design. It would automatically recognize what ads would be best suited to your web pages and content.

This is the most convenient way to generate revenue. Since all you need to do is what you are doing with your blog on a regular basis, it makes this integration more relevant and beneficial to you in terms of revenue generation.

Resell Your Blog

Reselling your blog does not mean that you sell your blog to someone. Rather, you should resell the opportunities that come across your way and cut a share out of it. This is pretty common but yet a major source of revenue for influential bloggers.

If you also wish to be an influencer, you can try reseller services to boost your revenue while you can focus more on what your follower audience desires from you. There's this SEO reseller Submitcore that can handle your orders for guest posting in bulk while you work on something that you really wish to pursue.

There Are Plenty Of Guest Posting Opportunities

You must have been receiving mailers, subjected as guest posting opportunity. Did you give it a thought? This could be truly a game changer for your blog. People actually pay you for posting their content on your blog.

Moreover, you get an outbound link and your guest gets an inbound link, both of which are beneficial from the SEO point of view.

These simple yet effective tricks can boost your blogging micro-business, within months. You can pursue all the desires and passions that you've been longing to pursue all your life.