How to Be Stylish Everyday

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Everyday is a fashion show and the world is the runway"-Coco Chanel

Looking great everyday can be a challenge. There are some days when you simply do not want to try. You had a long night out, you had a fight with your boyfriend, you hate your job, or all of the above. Even for the girls whom style comes more naturally, there are some days that they just want to throw in the towel wear leggings. While there is nothing wrong with having off days, wouldn't it be great if we could just push past it?

Appearance, even on the weekends, is so important. I am strong believer in the phrase "when you look good, you feel good". I tackle the day when I am feeling confident and ready. On the days where I slack on my appearance, I feel a difference in my demeanor. So, even if I am running to the grocery store down the street or the bagel shop around the corner I try to look my best. You never know who you might meet, you never know who may run into- why not be prepared for it?

Here are Lex's tips for looking fab everyday:

  • Each day tell yourself one word "TRY"! I have a habit of hitting snooze over and over again until all of a sudden I realize that I will need to rush to leave the house on time. On those mornings, my first thought is to go for the most basic look. The one that takes the least effort. What I like to do when I have that thought is to take five minutes to build on that look. If my first thought is a black dress I think how can I add to it to make it pop? Whether it is a statement necklace, a blazer, or a pair of shoes, that little black dress is going to have some zest!
  • Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize. There certain looks where accessories are not necessary. With most looks, a lack of accessories is like a Christmas tree without decorations (beautiful, but missing something). Something as simple as adding a scarf or a pair of earrings can change an entire look. Never underestimate the power of accessories.
  • Work at least one trend into EVERY look. There are so many trends happening right now that it is not hard to do. When you factor a popular trend into your look, you will automatically look stylish. For example, a couple weeks ago, I was tired on Monday morning. I decided to wear black pants and a black sweater. To add a little spice to the look, I threw on a shaggy fur (big trend) vest and platform boots (another big trend). All of a sudden, a boring all black look now had a punch. So be mindful of trends and work them into your look. It will give you instant style.
  • Avoid boring looks. Whatever you consider to be boring or safe, avoid it at all costs. Everyone has a different definition of boring so I leave that to your discretion. When you fall into a slump refer back to first rule.
  • When all else fails, save the day with beauty. If you are really not feeling it and really do not feel like trying with your outfit make sure your beauty is on point. Add a bold lip, do a smokey eye, or throw some curls in your hair. If your outfit is so-so, but your beauty looks great no one will notice the lackluster outfit.

These rules have been in practice for a couple years for me. I made a style resolution simply to try everyday. I make sure that even on my most casual days I look great. Taking pride in your appearance means that you take pride in all aspects of your life. Do not think of it is as a form of vanity because it isn't. Before you open you mouth, your appearance is the first impression people get of you. Shouldn't it be a good one?

"I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny."-Coco Chanel