How to Be Amazing

By Mrsebiology @mrsebiology
"How to be Amazing: If you want a first-class trip to amazing, follow these steps." I spent the morning in 7th grade.
Specifically, I spent the morning in 7th grade science and math classes.  Here's what I saw:
  • Students using technology (Edmodo) and students using low-technology response systems (whiteboards).  Each was appropriate to the task at hand that students were doing.
  • Students acquiring content, but being held responsible for how to organize and make sense of that content.
  • Students being asked to solve problems in multiple ways.
  • Students being asked to come up with solutions to a problem rather than being shown how to do a problem.
  • Students being asked to persevere while solving their problems.
  • Students calling the 1700s the "Dead Years" for scientific discoveries. (Too funny.)
  • The lab poster above.  Who wouldn't want to be amazing in the science lab?

But mostly I saw some teachers who were already amazing throwing the work of learning back on to their students, and amazing students meeting that challenge.  It was a wonderful way to start the day.