How To Be A Responsible Traveller

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

So how do you be a responsible traveller? Take a look at these ideas from some of the 786 participants of our Responsible Travel chat on #AdvTravelChat!

But first, let’s define what responsible tourism actually is.

According to the International Centre for Responsible Tourism:

Responsible Tourism is about making “better places for people to live, and better places for people to visit”

Responsible Tourism relishes “the diversity of our world’s cultures, habitats and species and the wealth of our cultural and natural heritage” and therefore accepts “that responsible and sustainable tourism will be achieved in different ways in different places.” One policy or set of criteria will not apply everywhere – nor should they.

I also recommend reading Are You a Responsible Tourist? and asking yourself the 7 questions posed in the article.

It made me realize that despite my best intentions, I’ve not always been a responsible traveler.

Read on to discover:

  • How to choose eco-friendly accommodation
  • Responsible travel tips for your next holiday, with some easy to-implement ideas for making a difference
  • Volotourism opportunities that #AdvTravelChat participants have personally participated in and recommend
  • Responsible travel experiences to add to your bucket list!


[View the story “Adventure Travel Chat: Responsible Travel” on Storify]

Just imagine the positive change that would occur if every single person who reads this took just one of these sustainable tourism tips and implemented it! That’s my sincere hope with the greater vision that one day soon responsible travel will be synonymous with travel!

I’d love to hear what one change you plan on implementing in the comments below!

Remember to join us for #AdvTravelChat on Twitter every Wednesday!