How To Avoid Energy Crashes During The Day

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

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Most people, especially most professional adults, find that if only they had the chance, laying down and taking a two hour nap would be very nice indeed. Energy crashes that happen during the  day can be quite intrusive to deal with from time to time, especially if we have meetings scheduled for after lunch, or if we’re tired of feeling absolutely exhausted at the end of each day.

Energy crashes during the day are, to a certain extent, natural. In our circadian rhythm, a natural drop-off point of energy levels begins in the early afternoon and then rise as we move into the late afternoon and evening. That said, if you’re tired of constant up and down energy crashes through the day, there are some measures we can take in order to avoid them.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few lifestyle changes you can make in order to ensure you unlock the most energy from your inner reserves, and that your sleep quality each night is improved:

Avoid Intensive Carb Meals

Carbohydrates are stored as glucose which can raise our blood sugar and leave us feeling relatively lethargic for a few hours after eating. So, if you usually opt for the slice of pizza or pasta meal at lunch, it might be worth choosing a lighter option. From keto-crafted breads, to light salads, protein-filled brunches, and sugar-free meals, you may find that while the afternoon slump happens to everyone, you get to decide how much this will affect you. Over time that can make a big impact.

Try A Coffee Alternative

From time to time, trying a coffee alternative can be a great booster. From natural blends that allow you to enjoy the best nutritional intake in the morning to switching up to caffeine dense-teas light matcha, you’ll find that without the intensive rush and fall of coffee or energy drinks, your morning feels a little more ‘smooth’ and your energy levels a little less fickle. Over time, this can have a profound impact on how well you sleep at night, as well as how focused you are each morning without the need to pay the cost of feeling jittery for that necessary energy boost.

Consider Activity If Possible

If you work in a sit-down job, it can be worthwhile to get up when you have a break or at lunchtime and to take a walk, or to get some activity in. For some working at home, a few yoga poses or doing a few minutes on an exercise bike can help us perk up a little and think more clearly. If you’re on your feet all day, then giving yourself a chance to rest and to destress in a fresh-air environment is important. This can help you refresh your thinking, and reset your perspective a little. It can also help you gain the rest or activity your body is crying for.

With this advice, hopefully you can easily avoid energy crashes during the day, especially at work.

Thank you for reading!