How to Attract More Blog Viewers Via Pinterest

By Lindaleyble @LindaLeyble

OK – so I am not an expert by any means…but you can turn many of your blogposts into “How To’s” on Pinterest.  If you are looking for more blog traffic to your blog, this will help you alot.  Whether you are a service provider, a DIY blogger, a marketing consultant, a realtor, lawyer, tech wizard, salesperson, florist, electrician, plumber, heating/AC company - or whatever…you can gain more readership by creating a useful “How-To” infographic – and then link it to your website, blog, Facebook fan page, landing page – or whatever place you feel you want your prospective clientele will want to go to find out more about you.

Pin a How to on Pinterest with a Liink to your Blog, Website or Landing Page

If you link it, like I did, to a blog link, you can go into more detail about the step-by-step details. Think about How To’s that you have recenly done on your blog, a home you recently sold quickly, a client project - or an easy update/idea for you that may be difficult for others. Don’t think that everyone knows how to do something.  Most people need help and they are looking for ideas on how to solve their problems.  If you don’t want to upload to YouTube – it’s easy to just create a simple How To – and place it on Pinterest. You can do BOTH to – a video link on Pinterest will be doubly viral!

What Does Pinterest Look For?:  You can put up a small picture with some graphics that no one clicks on…OR you can put up an Infographic that people WILL CLICK ON!.  Here are some statistics to give you some food for thought.

  • 80% of Pinterest is “Repinning.”  So – when you pin your own pictures/infographics, know that you are putting up information that has a greater possibility of activity back to your website/blog (instead of giving more creedence to others!)
  • Tall pins get the most re-pinning action!  Pins that are roughly 191 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall will get the most “eyeballs.” Why?  Mainly because they stand out in the smaller pin crowd.

{How is that for standing out in the crowd!! I made it simply with PicMonkey.  If you are interested in how I did it – please comment below and I will do a blogpost on it}.

The image above stands out in the crowd because it is tall, colorful and simple - so think about pins that you could create with some simple statement/quote that could be directed back to your blog or website!

Right now – write down about 5 (five) How To, Instructional, Teaching Pins that you could create.  Sketch it out on notebook paper (like a storyboard) and then go about collecting visuals and creating wording.  You will probably come up with more than 5 – and that’s great!!  These “Pins” may become the impetus to create other blogposts that you may not have even thought of (BONUS!!!).  I know that was the case with me.  I now think in terms of Pinterest first…and Blogpost later – so I would recommend that for you too!  WHY?? Because a Pinterest Pin will become more VIRAL than a blogpost.  And if you are in business for yourself – going viral can mean the difference between staying in business and thriving…or failing and closing your doors!!

Laughter is the best medicine!

Even pins that do not directly relate to your business can give you a more human face.  This pin with my grandson laughing uncontrollably – was my way of showing people that my Pinterest board is not just “business.”  It’s also a very human experience – with laughter, fun and family types of boards on it.  So important to show that human side of business as well!

Let me know what you think of this type of post.  Would LOVE to know if you felt that this was instructional and useful!!  Also – if you would like me to post some instructional advice on creating these types of Pin Boards – let me know. Thanks!!