How To Add Background Music In Blogger Blog

Posted on the 19 January 2016 by Jani18
Adding a background music in blogger blog is a good way to attractive the visitors.If you blog is article based and you are writing long articles then it is beneficial to add music because when due long article visitor can bore and may feel tired but background song can make their reading easy and they will enjoy.Also it is good way to increase page.

Add background music in blog

Adding in blogger is quite easy, i will try to describe the tutorial step by step, but if would like to tell you my personal experience.When i do dome work i play some music in background it makes my work easy and enjoy while reading, studying.

Go to blogger dashboard then move to Layout.Click on add gadget and select HTML/JavascriptCopy the below script and paste in HTML/Javascript

<embed style=""></embed>
Note: In last line of code you can see URL HERE

Replace Your Song’s URL With URL HERE 

save the gadget and enjoy can visit your blog to check either it is working correctly.