How To Add A Google Plus One (+1) Button Onto Your Blogger Blog

Posted on the 19 September 2011 by Chillpete @geekmeblog
Some time ago Google started a new service called plus one. It's a new way of sharing pages in a similar way to the Facebook and Twitter sharing option.

When you like something on the web, you can click the plus one button and this shows everyone that you like it. This will also work for visitors to your site, if they like what they see they can click the plus on button and let everyone else know they have found something they like on your blog.
In this tutorial we will be adding this button to your blog. 
1. Open Blogger and go to Dashboard>Design>Edit HTML. Then click in the box Expand Widget Templates
2. Look for this code </head> by pressing  (Ctrl+F) then paste the following code above it.
<script type="text/javascript" src="">{lang: 'en-US'}</script>
3. Then look for this piece of code:  <data:post.body/> and paste the following code below it.
<div><g:plusone size="standard" expr:href="data:post.url"/></div>
4. Click Save Template, this will put the plus one button in every post.
If you have any comments to make or would like help with anything on this post please visit our Forum and I will try my best to help.