How To Achieve Healthy Skin All Year Round

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LightAsAir #FeelTheWhip #CollectiveBias If you know me, you know I am a tad-bit obsessed with skin care. As someone who rarely wear make-up and when I do it is super minimalist and 'natural', I heavily rely on my face naturally glowing and looking food. I have researched and self taught myself what my healthy skin should look like. And the most important lesson I have learned it that what shows up on our face is a reflection of our habits and overall health. In today's post I am sharing some lifestyle changes one can make to ensure a healthy skin for all seasons. 

1. Know Your Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is the first step in a healthy skin care regimen. By selecting products that appropriate to your skin type you are giving your skin the nutrition it needs to normalize. If you don’t get this right, nothing else matters. Dry skin should be treated differently than oily skin, which should be treated differently than combination or sensitive skin. Every conversation with a beauty adviser should begin with your skin type.

2. Hydrate - Inside & Out

When you’re dehydrated your skin is more likely to show age. There isn't exactly one recommended dosage of water for everyone, as a lot of this depends on factors such as body composition and levels of exertion, but a general guideline is to drink 7 to 10 oz of water every 10 to 20 minutes.

Drinking lots of water is a good start, but you also have to use a good moisturizer. Even in the summer, and even if your skin tends to be oily, you need to hydrate your skin and then lock the moisture in. Not only will your skin feel better, it will look younger and healthier.

One of my favorite skin care brand is Olay. Their new Olay Total Effects Whip Face Moisturizer is the Ultimate Nourishment Without Weight. You can expect 7 Skin Benefits in One - It actively replenishes nourishing moisture, evens skin tone appearance (which is one of my top skin issues), enhances brightness, visibly smooths fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes the look of pores, restores firmness and visibly reduces dark spots. Formulated with VitaNiacin Complex II and Vitamins C & E this moisturizer helps fight the early signs of aging.

One of the reasons I am really loving Olay Total Effects Whip Face Moisturizer is that despite the vast array of lightweight-claiming moisturizer choices offered today, women are regularly forced to choose between a product that provides powerful results, but feels sticky + tacky; and one that feels truly lightweight, but doesn’t offer much beyond basic hydration. This is the void that Olay Total Effects Whip Face Moisturizer fills in.

3. Healthy Diet

A balanced diet that emphasizes leafy greens, vegetables, fresh fruit and healthy fats will help feed your skin from inside. These foods are rich in antioxidants and long chain fatty acids that will nourish your skin and help protect it from aging. Consistent intake of antioxidant help protect the skin from looking tired and worn, and keeps aging at bay.

4. Exercise

We all know exercising is good for the heart, and helps manage your weight, but exercise will also help your skin look better. The increased blood flow improves radiance and help firm your skin, while working up a good sweat will help release toxins.

5. Sleep

If you look in the mirror and see dull, drained, or problem skin, check your sleeping habits. When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin suffers and you’re more likely to experience puffy eyes and dryness.Improve your sleep and incorporate less stress and more relaxation into your day so that you glow from the inside out. When we are at rest our skin is better able to repair itself and regenerate. Sleep is connected to great skin!

Younger, healthier looking skin isn’t difficult to achieve, but it does take discipline. With just a bit of care and consideration your skin will look its best all year round.

You can find Olay Total Effects Whip Face Moisturizer at the a Kroger Store near you.