How to Achieve a Great Christmas Home Décor?

By Attireclub @attireclub
As Christmas rapidly approaches, many people are looking around not just for the right Christmas gifts but also for pictures of beautifully decorated homes. Part of it is getting in the spirit of the winter holidays, but there is also a little part that searches for practical inspiration. When you are looking at images of homes decorated for Christmas you often think of how such a polished look can be achieved. Here are some guidelines that will help you structure out the way you decorate your home for Christmas!

Most people want to enjoy some warmth from the fireplace as they sip on eggnog and sing carols. So besides buying a Christmas tree, they also have to stock up the pile of wood under the chimney to light the fire on Christmas Eve.

Unfortunately, wood comes to smoke, and you have to keep adding more logs to keep the fire burning, which for some can be tiring or expensive. That's why many families today opt for an electric fireplace insert. You will still have the white Christmas movie fireplace but without spending too much on wood and smoke detectors.

Some of the most popular fireplace inserts this year are Comfort Smart 23, Classic Flame 36, and Dimplex 28. You can buy any of them online then get a professional to install it for you. This may be an investment, but it won't make just the Christmas time more exciting, but the rest of the winter and of the next winter as well, as you will now have a fireplace to enjoy. Fireplaces can change the entire atmosphere of a room.

Candles can be a wonderful way of creating a special holiday atmosphere in a room. They can change things up both during the day and the evening. Ordinary candles can do the job very well, but getting some more special, colorful candles can turn your home into a North Pole dream.

The main issue with candles is that you must make sure to use them safely, especially if there are children around the house.

Also, as an extra tip, given that special candles can be quite expensive, if you don't want to spend too much on candles, you can buy some regular ones and place them in special holders. Even a jar will have a great effect on the overall vibe of the candle. Throw a few ribbons on it, and you are already a step higher in terms of décor.

The main trend in terms of Christmas trees is having either a very heavily department-store type tree, which can be achieved with a decent dose of patience and money. However, if you want to be trendy, you can go the other way and opt for more hand-made décor. The best way to go though it to keep it personal.

Have you ever thought of decorating the tree with candies, handmade cards, chocolates or fruits instead of the usual ornaments? You can get a ton of Christmas tree decorations ideas on Pinterest, especially the DIYs so that you can involve the whole family in preparing for the season this year.

Color blocking is one of the latest home décor trends this Christmas and is a trend that has been around for a while now. Traditionally, people use red, green, silver, and gold, but today, you can even have blue and pink as your theme colors.

You can go for something that matches the other things you have around the house (pillows, curtains, etc.) or go for a contrast-based color scheme to make you tree pop.

Imagine waking up to a scented decorative candle and a big sock in your bedroom on Christmas day! That can uplift one's moods instantly. Christmas doesn't have to be just in the living room.

You can put small ornaments like pine cones, socks, and candles along the staircase and in the bedrooms. Also, you can place small pieces on the centerpiece of your dining table and you can even add some ribbons to your doors. Mistletoe, poinsettias and other plants can brighten up the atmosphere and make it more vibrant.

Adding some cool details to your home around the Christmas season can be a mood-switcher. The decorations don't have to be very special or expensive, but, to make the best of them, it's best to be consistent.

Christmas is not in the material things, but these can help change up the atmosphere around you and place you in a fun and festive mood.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

The 2019 Attire Club Holidays Gift Guide Men's Christmas and New Year's Eve Party Style Made Easy The Guide to Christmas Sweaters Discover the Winter 2018-19 Issue of InCompany by Attire Club

P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you decorate your home for Christmas? What type of tree do you like to have? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!