How Sinister is This?

By Echo4224

Sorry about yesterday’s hastily written article. I‘m feeling saddened about the sinister intend of the whole thing.

The 14 minute short video “Innocence of Muslims” turned out to be an evil peace of poorest kind of movie making.  It was certain to stir unrest  and so the loss of American and Israeli lives was in the calculation all along. Written in prison by a drug producer convict, an Egyptian Coptic Christian immigrant Nakoula Basseley Nakoula ( “Sam Bacile”) living in LA  and NOT by an American-Israeli citizen as we were first made believe.

Quoting CNN: “American non-profit Media for Christ obtained film permits to shoot the movie in August 2011, and Nakoula provided his home as a set and paid the actors, according to government officials and those involved in the production.[34] Media for Christ president Joseph Nassralla Abdelmasih reportedly went into hiding after the violent response to the film.”

And promoted by:

“The film has been promoted by pastor Terry Jones, whose burning of copies of the Quran previously led to deadly riots around the world. On September 11, 2012, Jones said that he planned to show a 13-minute trailer that night at his church the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.”


“Steve Klein, a Vietnam veteran who has been active in opposing Islam and has been associated with paramilitary “hate groups”… Klein rejected any blame for the violent reaction to the movie, saying, “Do I feel guilty that these people were incited? Guess what? I didn’t incite them. They’re pre-incited, they’re pre-programmed to do this.”[35]”

Meaning Mr. Klein and Pastr Jones knew, maybe even wished that the hatred caused by this intentional provocation will cause loss of innocent lives.  Mr. Klein washed his hand on National TV.  “Do I have blood on my hands? No!”

Staff and crew of film that ridiculed Muslims say they were ‘grossly misled’. One the misled actors is tearfully apologizing.

The whole peace is produce of madmen and not worth wathing or taking notice of. Sadly, talk-shows do not have other topics these evenings,
