How Simple Activities Like Picnics Can Improve Your Mood

By Peppertan

If you’re suffering from depression, a mood disorder, or have a very stressful job, all of these conditions require you to pay special attention to yourself and find ways to relieve anxiety and stress. It may be easier said than done, but finding activities that will not only distract you but will calm you as well is some of the best medicine available. Enjoying nature and going on a picnic is free and it also is a place where you can practice meditation, prayer, read a good book, or journal. Bring a picnic along too and enjoy a beautiful day at the park. Over time you may see your mood begin to improve.

Vitamin D Helps Improve Your Mood

Many times during the winter people may find themselves becoming sad either because activities lessen or they are not getting enough sunshine. Did you know that not getting enough sun effects your mood? When spring arrives it’s perfectly healthy to get more sun and a great way to do this is by gathering up your family or going by yourself to the nearest park. Pack a lunch in your picnic coolers and enjoy the great outdoors. Soak up some sun and look forward to your mood improving over time.

Try Yoga or Something that Allows You to Reflect

Another great way to alleviate stress is by focusing and a great way to focus is by practicing yoga at a nearby studio, park, or even in the comfort of your own home. Yoga will not only help with your breathing, but it will also give you something to strive towards. Build your confidence and realize that anything is possible when you set your mind to it. If Yoga is not your thing then perhaps try journaling or another form of meditation. Discovering the source of your stress will help you cope with this stressor when it comes along in the future.

Exercise at a Local Nature Center

Did you know that exercising helps your endorphins and that endorphins make you happy? Exercise regularly and you should also see a big improvement. It may not happen right away, but exercising alleviates symptoms of anxiety and what’s more, helps you stay healthy. Head to a local nature center, park, or even walk around your neighborhood and be sure to sweat! Get your heart rate up and be proud of yourself for your hard work when your mood improves and you look forward to spring.

Sierra is a freelance writer and when she suffers from anxiety likes to exercise or go on a picnic. Stay up to date with Sierra on her blog Ocean Dreams.