How Parents Can Monitor Kid’s Android Phone Without Seeming Intrusive?

Posted on the 01 July 2019 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22

Since the young kids and teens have got their individual android phone devices over the years, parents have their serious concerns. Therefore, parents really want to monitor kid’s android phone without seeming intrusive. However, parents have to be honest when it comes to what they are doing and what are the reasons explain to your children it is all about their safety and protection. Its parent’s fundamental responsibility to make sure kids and teens online and real-life safety by knowing they are using android phones appropriately.

Usually, parents have the habit of saying their children that they are have paid for their cell phone. So, they are entitled to read their kids messages, chats conversations, make a check on their call logs, and to get to know who their friends are at cell phone cellular network and as well as social media platforms. On the other hand, kids are very emotional when it comes to parent’s invading their android phone privacy.

Kids assume that Android devices are their personal property as diaries so they have to tread cautiously. Checking your kid’s Android mobile phones often could be a good idea but at the same time if you are sensing something wrong with spot checking do you think it would be crucial for you to track your teen’s cell phone without seeming intrusive.

Why Do Parents want to monitor kid’s Android phone without seeming intrusive?

Social media platforms are one of the biggest threats that have made parents think to do surveillance on a child’s cell phone without seeming intrusive. All they just want to protect their kids from the nightmares they are facing due to excessive use of smartphones and gadgets of android in particular.

 Kid’s use of social media on android smartphones statistics

  • Almost 88% of the kids or teens have seen people be mean or cruel with other person
  • social media stats: 300% assaults against the youth has been increased over the last few years
  • 12% of teens and kids are eyes witnessed of unpleasant behavior regularly on social media apps
  • Almost 55% of parents says that 72% of the kid’s obsessed with Facebook and 76% parents willingly have given access to kid’s on Facebook
  • 8% of kids had fights with friends due to posting of line shaming stuff on social media
  • 43% of kids say they will change their activities on social media if they realize parents are doing intrusive surveillance on their social media activities
  • 55% of children have shared private information to the strangers online including photos and inappropriate ones
  • Almost half of a sex –crime online is being done on social media platforms against the minors
  • Apart from social media pocket porn is one of the biggest concerns for parents on android devices
  • 29% of kids stalked by a stranger and become the victim of them
  • 22% of kid’s lurks to their favorite social messaging app more than 10 times in a day
  • 71% of kids and teens visit plenty of sites to harbor sexual fantasies on android
"Mostly parents while doing monitoring on kids Android mobile phones overprotective, and they become helicopter parents. However, according to the GuradChild, almost 43% of teens say they would change their online behavior if they come to know parents have kept an eye on them."

3 Ways for no–brainers parents monitor kid’s phone without seeming intrusive

Talk about your concerns to your kid

If you are concerned to know that your child is living in a hyper-sexualized world and you want to snoop on your child android device then simply discuss with your child about the concerns. Therefore, the very first step that you need to do is to ask your child about “permission”. However, parents went for the wrong methods and try to be strict and enforce rules on children and at the end make their kids rebel.

Therefore, you need to have an open discussion that what are shaming online, trendy social media trends, sexual fantasies, cyber predators and x –rated content. So, once you have won the trust of your child then it would be very easy for you to get access to kid’s smartphone without seeming intrusive. At the end of the day, kids will understand your worries and you would not have to be intrusive at all.

Keep an eye on the child through their cell phone

All you need to do further to address from where your kid is getting exposure using the internet on Android. It is obvious things get started when the kid got their first Android device, peer pressure, and pop –up on cell phone screen sexually groom your child. Furthermore, kid’s start using social media and become witness, a victim of cyber bullying.

Further, online dating is a kind of activities that you need to know about your child keeping an eye on their Android phones frequently. In addition, read your kid’s text messages, android phone call logs, browsing activities, social media logs and plenty of others alike.  In addition, don’t take too much time to see cell phone activities and make sure to do that activity when they are not using their android cell phone and gadgets.

"Fast Company stated the Common Sense Media’s report almost 75% of children below the age of 8 using cell phones. If your child is under the age of 10 starts monitoring of their android phones would be very effective."

Keep yourself closer & be vigilant

If you don’t want to breach your kid’s privacy, you need to stay on your toes to know what your kids are doing on Android using the internet. The moment your child is doing something risky, bad and dangerous or they seemingly try to distant themselves then act fast to get their device. On the other hand, your child is continuously trying to hide their mobile phone screen from you and possibly get used to lock the room and use the cell phone.

Parents should stay alert that your child is doing something terrible and he/she don’t want your presence beside them. Therefore, parents should use cell phone parental control software without being intrusive at all. However, if you are able to make your child your best friends then you can easily get the job done without facing hazels. Therefore, parents should prepare rather than to be scared to do surveillance on kid’s cell phone.

Use non–intrusive android parental control to monitor kid’s without seeming intrusive

When parents get tired of being doing things seems to be unwelcome. Then they should get their hands on the unobtrusive parental control software to track android mobile phone without seeming intrusive. All you need to do is to get access to the official web page of the parental monitoring software for Android and get the subscription. Install mobile phone monitoring app for android on kid’s cell phone and get access to the online control panel where you can use the plenty of tools like live screen recording, IM’s logs, tap Android phone calls without rooting, browsing activities, secret call recorder for android, text messages monitoring and remote android controller. You can use non–intrusive android tracking app for setting parental control on your kid’s devices to keep an eye on kid’s cell phone and internet activities in real –time.

"Non –Intrusive and parents can make sure kid’s online and real-life safety. Cell phone parental control app gives parents an edge to keep an eye on children android phone activities without seeming intrusive"