How Our Society Is Falling Apart and How To Fix It

Posted on the 17 November 2020 by Sandeep Malik

2020 get’s a lot of bad rep. It is notoriously known for the year where Murphy’s Law of “everything that can go wrong will go wrong” went into effect. 2020 may be the year where the shit metaphorical fan, but make no mistake about it we had this mess of manure coming for a long time. The reality is 2020 was the boiling point in front of many years where slowly but surely our social fabrics have been breaking apart.

A big reason for this is because we as a social collective strayed away from discussing our problems, and instead chose to attack each other as a solution. This process was expedited by the presence of social media, because if you think about it, being on social media is sort of like being around everybody all the time. And while ironically social media and the Internet provide an easy means for communications, in reality, it does the opposite of that. People communicate less now. Less and less discourse occurs in our society, our politics, our foreign relations, business, relationships, and just about any sort of bilateral engagement. In fact, you can read several posts from bloggers attesting to that.

That is why we need to revert back to our ways, especially as we make huge leaps forward with our technology. The combination of discourse and technology can make for great outcomes. Instead of using our platforms to vehemently go at one another, we should use them as areas to discuss and discourse properly. Our social fabric is broken and we need to fix it. We can start by acknowledging the problem and working on a solution. Or continue on our self-destructive path, and miss out on the endless opportunities great creations can have with great communication.