How Often Should I Get a Termite Inspection?

By Fashionbloggeritalia @PamelaSoluri

Termites are found in most countries around the world. They prefer warmer weather but like to live in damp and dark spots. As you probably already know, they have a passion for eating wood. In fact, a colony of termites can eat a foot of 2×4 in 6 months or less.

That may not sound like a lot of wood but you can imagine the effect on your home if you were suddenly missing this much wood. It's especially challenging if the wood is in your foundations.

On the face of it, this would suggest that you should have a termite inspection at least every 6 months. However, this is probably a little over-cautious. In the majority of cases an inspection once every 12 months will suffice.

You can and should find out more about the services offered by your local pest control services, it will help you to be prepared if you discover an issue.

Being Alert

For an annual termite inspection to be sufficient you need to have an awareness of the signs of a termite issue. By recognizing the signs you'll be able to react faster and resolve an issue before it creates major problems in your home.

Remember, termites can cause a lot of damage, it is better to catch them early. Click here for some expert advice.

Mud Tunnels

This is one of the most obvious signs of a termite infestation. Termites love the wood in your foundations but they need to get to it. The fastest way is to dig a tunnel through the mud that surrounds your home.

That's why experts recommend at least 6 inches of concrete around a property, termites can bury through this.

The mud tube gives them access to the wood and allows them back out for anything else they need. If you cover a mud tube and it reopens, or a new one appears next to it, then you have active termites.

Fine Sand

When termites eat wood they create droppings, these look like fine sand. If you notice small holes in your wood and a little of what looks like fine sand, then you probably have a termite issue.

You may also notice cracks in the wood or blistering of the paintwork.


Young termites actually have wings. They fly their nest to find a new location and create a new nest. As soon as they find a suitable spot they'll lose their wings. If you notice a pile of small wings, especially near a door or window, then you have a sign that termites have arrived and are looking to mate as well as establish a nest, potentially in your home.

Clicking Noises

If you hear clicking noises coming from your walls then you will need to get an expert in to assess for termites. The clicking noise can only be heard when the house is quiet. It's actually the termite soldiers banging their heads against the walls to warn the rest of the nest of impending danger!

Being vigilant means you'll spot the termites and can eliminate them before they cause too much damage.