How My Kids Discovered the Joy of Reading With Amazon Kindle

By Sangeetha

As parents, we want our kids to develop reading skills and all of us try to invest heavily in it.

I started reading to my son at a very early age when he was just 3 months old. Of course at that age he didn't pay attention or understand what I read, but slowly when reading became a routine in our house, he started paying attention and started loving books. Now we read every day.

I believe that reading books have helped develop his vocabulary, imagination and also influenced his character.

Nimansh was a boy who wouldn't share any of his toys. So playtime with other kids always ended with his tantrums and fights over toys.

Two months back we bought this book "Give back my ball" by Nilima Sinha. The story is of a boy Abi who is not ready to share his ball and play together with his friend Tina. But at the end of the story, Abi finds out that sharing the ball with Tina and playing together is much more fun than playing all alone.

He liked the story very much. Usually after reading every story we try to enact it as well. So this time I became Tina and Nimansh was Abi.

We enacted the whole story many times. Also each time I read the story I tried to highlight the fact that Abi and Tina had a great time playing together as they shared the ball. The story really helped.

Coincidentally at that time my brother gifted me the Kindle and I thought to myself "Oh my God, one more gadget at home!" as I may need to keep my kids away from this one as well (as is the case with phones and laptops).

But to my surprise, Kindle has been a boon for me as the physical books with kids get spoiled in no time.

Now Kindle time at my home is not at all a gadget time - but a combo of story reading, telling, creative and fun time!!

Now whenever Nimansh is not ready to share his toys during playtime, I simply remind him that Abi shared his ball with Tina and they had a great time playing together. Most of the time this works and he has started sharing his toys.

Now play dates don't end with fights over toys. Thanks to the Kindle and the book "Give Back My Ball".

After realising that reading can help shape Nimansh's character too, I am reading more good books to him.

Lately my younger one has also started following the elder one when it comes to reading and I am proud of it.

He now reads out 'Jungle book' and other simple stories like the Hungry Caterpillar or the Ugly Duckling to his sister from the Kindle.

Let them read, grow and prosper. As famous Malayalam children's poet Kunjunni master said - " Vayichalum valarum, vayichillelum valarum. Vayichal vilayum. Vayichilel valayum." - You will grow if you read; you will grow if you don't read too. But if you read you flourish, else you fade.

Happy reading.