How My Dissatisfied Life Turned Into A Contented One With Humanity Help

By Lili Gomes @_roselili

Even as a successful professional that has attained almost everything in life, I had this gnawing feeling that something greater has eluded me. I always followed my passion, did what I liked, avoided people and things that were not my type. Then why is it that I have a sense of wanting and dissatisfaction in me? I kept questioning myself over and over again. Then I thought that maybe going on a good vacation and a tryst with nature would do me good. Little did I know that this holiday would bring about a world of change to my life - for the better.

A rare journey

I opted to move through the Oriental countries wandering about little known towns and cities learning more about their culture. I landed in one of the desert areas that formed the border of two neighboring countries fraught with tension. As I moved from village to village curious as a cat capturing almost anything that interested me with my lens, I also came across some harsh realities of life. The living conditions of people in those areas were not that I could ever imagine. I saw women travelling on foot for miles with empty pitchers piled on their heads to fetch water for the entire family.

The life-turning event

Each family had two and some even three girls and women walking together to get the water that would last them for the next few days. They had to walk back the same distance on foot but this time around balancing the weight of the water on their heads and some carrying children on their arms too! I learnt that it was a way of life for people of the area that had no access to drinking water in the vicinity. All my dissatisfaction and discontent that I had in me had disappeared in no time. Now my satisfaction lay in the fact that I wanted to see these people get drinking water every day in the easiest possible way!

The Messiah in the wilderness

I knew I had to team up with prominent NGO that was working in the area as I was foreign to the land not knowing much about its local political influences. This is when I came to know about Humanity Help and its mission to provide clean drinking water to people in areas that needed it. When I discussed the possibilities, I learnt that they have a mammoth project in mind that needed several thousand dollars. I decided to become a volunteer of Humanity Help and design fund-raising campaign back at home for the cause.

With helping hands

I have found the true meaning of my existence trying to help people who do not have a basic in life like water to drink. I keep travelling back and forth between my home city and the remote village where the project is underway. Each time I am with the rich and famous in the plush hotels for the fundraising campaigns, I show them how they can make an immense difference in the lives of these humans. Thankfully enough help has been pouring in from all quarters and the dream of these people having access to clean drinking water is gradually becoming a reality.

Guest Blog: Written by Preti Anand

in Charity, NGO. Tags: clean drinking water