How Much of This Can Be Blamed on American Policy?

Posted on the 21 June 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

There are now more than 50 million refugees, most since WWII:

In a battered car loaded with blankets and clothes, Hassan Abbas and his mother left a dusty town in northern Iraq, fleeing this week's violence and joining what the United Nations says is the largest worldwide population of displaced people since World War II.

The U.N. refugee agency's latest annual report, released Friday, found more than 50 million people worldwide were displaced at the end of last year, reflecting an ever-expanding web of international conflicts.

Last year's increase in displaced people was the largest in at least two decades, driven mainly by the civil war in Syria, which has claimed an estimated 160,000 lives and forced 9 million people to flee their homes. Now Iraq is adding to that tide.

And so the title of this post asks the pertinent question... how much of this can be laid at Obama's feet?

I would posit a butt-load however I'm open to others attempting to disusade me of that opinion.

Feel free to try.