How Much is Your Wardobe Worth?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Late last year I did a poll asking how much your wardrobe is worth – and here are the results.

Now, the question to ask is how much of your wardrobe do you wear regularly? Most people wear around 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time. Even if you regularly wear 50% of your wardrobe, the other 50% is often ill thought purchases, or holding onto clothing that no longer suits your lifestyle, personality or you physically.

When you figure out the cost of the clothes that you don’t wear – that’s between $1000 and $10 000 (easily) in your wardrobe that is potentially a waste.  What to do?

1. Audit your wardrobe – figure out what you love and what you don’t wear

2. Get rid of the clothes you don’t wear because you don’t love them and they don’t make you feel good – sell them on ebay or to a consignment store, give them away to friends/family or a charity.

3. Alter the clothes that are almost there, that you would wear if they fit correctly, so that they do make you feel fabulous.

What percentage of your wardrobe do you regularly wear?

<a href="">Take Our Poll</a>