How Much is Too Much: Employee Monitoring

Posted on the 01 August 2018 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22

How much is too much Employee Monitoring“Privacy” means a state in which anyone is not observed or looks into by other people or something is unique in an age where no one can get access to the enclave of else one online. Now you may aware of the fact that your employers can get access to your social media profiles and can get to know the place where you have grown up, at what places you have done your previous jobs and to whom you have voted for in the current and last election.

So at the end of the day, you will protect your public presence with the great piece of responsibility. Let’s suppose you have got the job, even when the higher authorities such as managers are still digging out rabbit holes. However, if you don’t have any presence on social media platforms, there is a lot that can work out to find out about your history in the professional and non – professional field.

Moreover, when you have got the job and you have become a respectable member of the company, then the phenomenon of employee monitoring get started from video surveillance to keystrokes logging and let the companies know what their employees are up to within the working hours or any moment of the day using the company’s owned devices or personal ones.

Legal concerns about employee monitoring

Legally, employers who are running a company and has provided a company’s owned cell phones of Android, iOS, and others, gadgets such as tablets and pads and even the computer machines. Employers are within their right to monitor workers within the working hours in the name of productivity, data security and to avoid something fishy that can be done by any dishonest employees. However, when it comes to the privacy rights of the employees, this might provide employees bit immunity at the certain point in time. Now the question has arisen has employee monitoring gone too far?

The rising trendy of employee monitoring

It is very common that companies that have high numbers of employees are more likely to keep a check up on their employees within the working hours at least within the working hours and within the premises of the company.

According to the to the study done by the American Management Association, that has been covered by the ABC News, almost 80% of the major companies monitor employees activities on the company’s owned cell phones, gadgets and on computer machines such as email monitoring, browsing history and monitor cell phone calls to the fullest.

However, it also has found that most of the industries are especially vigilant. Moreover, more than 90% of these firms reportedly stated that they have been involved in an act of surveillance on their employees.

Employers should take consent of their employees

Employers need to make sure that their employees are under constant surveillance and they should take their consent firstly. This will alarm employees that employers are probably monitoring their actions when they are doing their jobs. Once an employee on the cell phone, using the company’s email and the internet using the company’s owned computer machines their employers could be watching using cell phones and computer monitoring software.

“The lines between one’s private and professional life can blur.” However, employees usually engaged in some sort of discretion about private activities that performed within the working hours of work, “Ellen Bayer, AMA’s human resources practice leader, added to ABC News.

Employers don’t have to go too far

Employers can monitor their employees within the working hours and their behaviors. You can use keycards, video cameras and last but not the least, but very important to know that, you can use the cell phone and computer surveillance software to monitor your company’s owned devices such as mobile phones of android and IOS and windows and MAC laptops and desktops computer devices.

PC and phone monitoring app enable you to view text messages sent or received with text messages spy of the mobile phone monitoring app and you can block all the time wasting websites on the company’s owned devices with website blocking tool of the windows and MAC tracking app. Furthermore, you don’t need to get access to their personal devices, because it would be illegal and against the norms and values.

You can use MIC bug tool of the MAC monitoring app and you can get remote control over the company’s device within the working hours and can further record and listen to the surround sounds and conversations to know the behavior of the employees and you will get to know what they are doing at the moment.

Unethical monitoring methods can raise eyebrows of employees

Employers just need to practice cell phone and computer monitoring tool that allow them to view the activities of their employees within the working hours using company’s owned devices. So, don’t use the technology that unveils someone’s private life unless if the employee using the company’s owned cell phones and computers about the employee has also given the consent to the employers.

Employee monitoring can benefits companies in many ways if they are using the cell phone and computer tracking app. The user can monitor emails sent or received with email monitoring tool of the cell phone monitoring app for Android and get to know the nature or content of the email. Additionally, the user can do a screen recording of the employees MAC Pc owned by the company using the MAC screen recording app and can view all the activities happen on it.

You can further remotely block all the entertaining websites on the windows laptop or desktop device owned by the company using windows monitoring app. All you need to do is to put all the URLs of the particular unwanted websites and then put it to the filters. However, employees can listen to the conversations of the customer service representative’s phone calls of android with call monitoring app and get to know how they behave with the clients, I mean how they explain the services. They can also use mighty alarms of the window tracking software powered by PC monitoring software and can fix the alarms on the certain activities they employees really want to know.

They can use camera bug app and can remotely get control over the front camera of the target MAC laptop device and get to know either employee are present at their seats are just wasting time here and there within the premises of the company. Those employees who officially sent on the official work of the company and have provided a vehicle in the name of supply services and they have also got company’s owned android mobile phones.

Then their GPS location can be monitored within no time with GPS location tracker of the mobile phone monitoring app. This will enable a user to get the current and exact location of the vehicle, location history and they can mark save and restricted areas to the fullest. Beside this employers can listen to the surround conversations and sounds in real-time with TOS spy 360 live surround listening and can view live surround visuals with spy360 live camera streaming.


It does mean that you can breach the privacy of the employees, you just need to have a hidden eye on the company’s owned devices and if they are an official visit outside of the company. So, you can do legal and effective employee monitoring with iOS monitoring software. All you need to do is to install on the company’s owned devices and benefits your companies with its magnificent tools having the proper consent since the time they have landed for the job.
