How Much Do Puppies Sleep At 8 Weeks? The More The Merrier!

By Junefrazier

Did you just bring home a new puppy? If so, you’re probably asking, how much do puppies sleep at 8 weeks?

Your eight week old furry ball of energy is just about over the weaning process and is probably wagging her tail ferociously and chewing anything she can fit in her mouth. She needs to sleep for the majority of the day so that she can stay energized and grow.How Much Do Puppies Sleep At 8 Weeks?
How Much Do Puppies Sleep At Eight Weeks?Avoid Sleep DeprivationYou’re The BossCreate a RoutineCrate TrainingConclusion

How Much Do Puppies Sleep At Eight Weeks?

Eight week old puppies require a whopping 18-20 hours of high quality snooze time per day.

This may seem like an excessive amount of sleep, but your little friend will make up for it by engaging in highly energetic play during her waking hours — all that rambunctious tail wagging can sure be depleting!

Puppies don’t just take loads of light naps. In fact, they sleep so deeply that you can pick them up and pass them around without making them stir. However, it’s best to avoid interrupting their sleep as it is very important for their health and well-being.

If your pup is moving around and making sounds during her slumber, she’s probably in the deep dreaming phase of rapid eye movement, or REM. It’s not only seriously adorable, but it’s also an important part of her mental and physical growth.

Avoid Sleep Deprivation

If you’ve been deprived of sleep before, you know that fatigue can affect your body and mind in a variety of uncomfortable ways. The same goes for dogs, and a lack of sleep can take a serious toll on your pooch’s health.

If you suspect that your puppy isn’t sleeping enough, pay close attention to her behavior. At first, your tired K-9 friend may seem counter-intuitively energetic but then you may notice her start to become increasingly uncoordinated and aloof.

If she continues to stay awake, she will most likely get a bit grumpy. She really needs sleep at this point or she may become aggressive and her immune system will likely weaken, making her highly susceptible to contracting serious disease or illness.

As your puppy gets older, her need for sleep will decline. However, dozing is a very important part of growing, and your little friend is no exception.

You can help your dog avoid sleep deprivation by training her to adapt to scheduled play, naps and snacks.

You’re The Boss

Since your puppy is more or less weaned from her mother at the age of 8 weeks, this is the time for you to replace her mother as the caregiver. If you want your puppy to turn into a loyal and obedient dog, it’s very important that you establish your dominance as soon as possible. Puppies can’t sense their own fatigue; they can go from being incredibly hyper and energetic, to being fast asleep in their food in the blink of an eye. Developing a consistent routine that suits your own schedule will help her establish healthy eating, sleeping and exercising habits.

Create a Routine

Following a routine will help both you and your furry friend sleep well at night.
The amount of food she eats and the time she spends playing have a direct impact on her sleeping cycle, so her daily activities should be scheduled accordingly.
Feed your pooch her dinner no less than 4 hours before her bedtime so that she doesn’t have trouble falling asleep. It also helps to take her on a walk before bedtime so that she feels more tired.

But don’t let her take any quick naps before her bedtime or it will be harder for her to fall asleep. Also, make sure your puppy’s water intake is limited to just a few small gulps before sleeping, or you may discover some puddles on your floor in the morning.

Crate Training

It may be hard to resist sharing your bed with your cuddly new companion, but providing her with her own resting space is better for your relationship in the long run.

Dogs prefer to rest in enclosed, cozy spaces. Get her a crate she can use as her resting space, and stick a nice toy in there that will keep her entertained.

Also, when you need to leave your dog alone for a few hours, make sure you leave behind some sort of toy, such as a food dispensing toy, that motivates your puppy to stay independently active.


Growing puppies play a lot, but sleep even more. She needs 18-20 hours of deep sleep per day, so it’s important for her to be active while she’s awake, but that shouldn’t be a problem puppies are extremely playful at 8 weeks.

Routinizing your puppy’s play, food and sleep times will help your puppy adapt to your lifestyle and ultimately pave the way to a healthy future.
Buying a crate for your puppy as her designated resting space will help her adapt to your routine and make the training process easier.

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