How Marketers Are Using Social Media (Infographic)

Posted on the 20 August 2012 by Cr8inc @CR8inc

How Marketers Are Using Social Media in 2012

HubSpot and SEOmoz have taken great care in compiling a ton of data on how people are using social media and what they are using it for. Check out the infographic below to see how the numbers all stack up. 

After you are done looking at the stats click here to find out why and how your business can start taking advantage of social media marketing for lead generation and customer support. Find out how CR8inc's social media integration tools can help you optimize your social media efforts. 

Social Media is a big part of your inbound marketing tactics. Every marketer knows they need to be using social media in order to grow their customer engagement and online interactions. Social Media is a powerful tool for doing all of those things but without a plan on why and how to use them you are probably wasting your time. Take the next step in building your social media presence and growing your company with CR8inc's inbound marketing products. 

A Closer Look at How Marketers Are Using Social Media

From: HubSpot Marketing Software

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Let us show you how to grow your business online and take your company to the next level. 
