How Marian Allen Became An Author

By Novelreads @NovelReads

Marian Allen - born to be an Author

I grew up with my mother and grandfather reading to me and telling me stories. I can remember thinking about stories and imagining myself inside them, imagining what I would feel and what I would do. It was a short step to imagining what I would do differently from the viewpoint character. After that, it was all over for me; I was a writer, but I didn't know it.
When I was still preschool, my mother took me to a re-release of Bambi, and Thumper's rewrite of the piece his mother made him recite led to my discovery that there were Writers who made stuff up and got paid for it.
I've been making stuff up ever since. Occasionally, people even pay me for it.
Whether they do or they don't, I will always write. It's just what I do. If I don't write for too long a time, I get crabby and itchy. Writing is my joy, and it always delights me when I can give a little of that joy to others through my work.
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes