How Many People Will Travel the World?

Posted on the 27 December 2019 by Kate Macan @travelingcooki1

According to the vision of the World Economic Forum, tourism in 2020 will be a world in which smart visas facilitate travel for 2 billion global travelers. These travelers will enjoy all travel rewards, boosting global employment through new tourist jobs.

Commercial revenues will also be improved, investment and new fiscal revenues will be boosted to improve infrastructure. This is the kind of resilient dynamism that was discussed at the Davos Forum (Switzerland) and will provide a plan for a more integrated and sustainable future tourism.

By 2019, the UNWTO expects that the growth of international tourists will be between 3% and 4%, compared to 2018: More in line with historical growth trends. The most visited countries in 2018 were France, Mexico. Spain, the United States, Italy, China and

Overall, the growth of 2018 was led by the growth of the Middle East (+ 10%). Africa (+ 7%).(both with 6% more). Arrivals in the Americas were below the world average (+ 3%).

The number of international tourists in the world maintained its strong growth in 2018, with a rise of 6% to 1.3 billion people. Estimated the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The organization, whose study includes those international tourists who overnight in the site they visit, was pleased that the increase was located "clearly above the growth of 3.7% of the world economy."

The increase was driven mainly by visits to the Middle East (+ 10% to 64 million tourists). Africa (7% to 67 million). Europe (6% to 713 million). The UN agency said in a statement. based in Madrid.

Tourism "is today one of the most powerful engines of economic growth and development globally," said Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO secretary-general, quoted in the statement. Therefore, it must be managed in a "sustainable manner" so that it translates into "real benefits for all countries" and "all communities, creating opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship and leaving no one behind," he said.

The Growth of Tourism exceeds the World Average

By 2019, the UNWTO expects that the growth of international tourists will be between 3 and 4%, "more in line with the historical growth trends". However, Pololikashvili recalled that there are "political risks or natural disasters" that call into question these forecasts, although their policy is to be prepared for any of them. On the question of 'Brexit', the Secretary General of the UNWTO has conveyed his peace of mind because the country is preparing to get connections with other countries.

The Americas received 217 million international arrivals in 2018, 3% more, with mixed results in all destinations. Growth was led by North America (+ 4%) and (+ 3%). Central America and the Caribbean, both with a decrease of 2%. Reflecting the impact of the hurricanes of September 2017 Irma and Maria.

Data from Africa point to an increase of 7% in 2018. Middle East increase 10%, showed good results consolidating its 2017 recovery, with international tourist arrivals reaching 64 million. That is why many people are expected to travel the world in 2019

In addition, the UNWTO secretary general stressed that the organization is focusing on the development of ecotourism and rural tourism, "where the future is". And on developing the different regions through education and employment so that they can be consolidated as Destinations.

How many People Travel the World : The UNWTO published some recommendations for countries and cities around the world to overcome the 'tourismphobia' . Since "the priority is still urban tourism", and recalled that in April there will be a summit with mayors of the Great tourist cities to collect their recommendations.

In summary for the year 2020, answering the question, How Many People will Travel the World ? : about 2.0 Billon viewers and tourists are expected to visit the world.
