How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need?

Posted on the 21 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

You typically need around 20-30 cloth diapers to comfortably diaper your baby full-time. Choosing the right number of cloth diapers for your baby can sometimes be puzzling.

Are you fully aware of how many cloth diapers do you genuinely need to diaper your baby? The right number ranges between 20 and 30 cloth diapers to ensure you have a sufficient supply for a full day’s usage. Adhering to this quantity helps to guarantee that you have enough clean diapers while the dirty ones are in the laundry.

Moreover, having a few extra cloth diapers can come in handy during emergencies, such as when unexpected leaks or diaper blowouts occur. By understanding how many cloth diapers to have on hand, you can ensure that your baby is comfortable and well-cared for.


Factors To Consider

When it comes to cloth diapering, it’s important to evaluate several factors to determine how many cloth diapers you will need. By taking into account the age of your baby, the frequency of diaper changes, and the washing and drying frequency, you can ensure that you have an adequate supply of cloth diapers on hand. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

Age Of The Baby

The age of your baby is an essential consideration when determining the number of cloth diapers you need. Newborns typically require more frequent diaper changes compared to older babies. This is because newborns tend to have more bowel movements and may need to be changed every 2 to 3 hours. As babies grow older, their bowel movements become less frequent, which means less diaper changes on average.

Frequency Of Diaper Changes

The frequency of diaper changes varies from baby to baby. Some babies have more active bladders and may need to be changed more frequently, while others can go longer between changes. On average, babies go through approximately 8 to 12 diaper changes per day in their first year. By tracking your baby’s diaper changes for a few days, you can get a better idea of their individual needs and adjust your cloth diaper stash accordingly.

Washing And Drying Frequency

Another factor to consider is the frequency at which you plan to wash and dry your cloth diapers. This will depend on your personal preference, the availability of laundry facilities, and your schedule. On average, it is recommended to wash cloth diapers every 2 to 3 days. This allows enough time for the diapers to accumulate without risking odor or hygiene issues. Keep in mind that some cloth diaper materials, such as bamboo or hemp, may take longer to dry compared to others. Also, consider having a few extra diapers on hand in case your washing routine gets delayed or interrupted.

To determine the number of cloth diapers you need, you can use the following equation:

Number of Cloth Diapers = (Diaper Changes per Day) x (Washing Frequency) + (Extras)

For example, if your baby has an average of 10 diaper changes per day and you plan to wash every 3 days, with a few extras, you might calculate:

Diaper Changes per DayWashing FrequencyExtrasNumber of Cloth Diapers


Based on this calculation, you would need a minimum of 36 cloth diapers to sustain your baby’s needs.

By considering the age of your baby, the frequency of diaper changes, and your washing and drying routine, you can determine the appropriate number of cloth diapers to have in your stash. Having an adequate supply will ensure a convenient and sustainable cloth diapering experience for both you and your baby.

Types Of Cloth Diapers

When it comes to cloth diapering, there are various options available, each with its own unique features and benefits. Choosing the right type of cloth diapers can make all the difference in your cloth diapering journey. In this section, we will explore five popular types of cloth diapers: All-in-one diapers, Pocket diapers, Prefold diapers, Flat diapers, and Fitted diapers.

All-in-one Diapers

All-in-one diapers, also known as AIO diapers, are a convenient option for parents who prefer the simplicity of a one-piece design. These diapers feature an absorbent layer sewn into the waterproof outer cover, eliminating the need for additional inserts or covers. AIO diapers often come with adjustable snaps or Velcro closures for a customizable fit. They are easy to use and suitable for both daytime and nighttime use.

Pocket Diapers

Pocket diapers have a handy pocket opening at the back, where you can insert absorbent inserts according to your baby’s needs. These diapers provide excellent flexibility as you can adjust the absorbency by adding or removing inserts. They are made of a waterproof outer layer and a soft inner lining that keeps your baby dry. Pocket diapers usually come with snap or Velcro closures for a secure and snug fit.

Prefold Diapers

Prefold diapers are the traditional cloth diapering option that many parents are familiar with. They consist of several layers of fabric with the center section being the most absorbent. Prefold diapers require folding and fastening with pins or Snappis before covering them with a waterproof diaper cover. These diapers are versatile, cost-effective, and can be used from newborn to toddler stages.

Flat Diapers

Flat diapers are a simple, rectangular-shaped cloth that requires folding into the desired shape before securing with diaper fasteners and covering with a waterproof cover. This type of diaper allows for a customizable fit and provides excellent breathability for your baby’s sensitive skin. Flat diapers are also known for drying quickly, making them a practical choice for families who prefer line drying or do not have access to a dryer.

Fitted Diapers

Fitted diapers are made of soft, absorbent materials and are designed to fit snugly around your baby’s bottom. They do not have a waterproof outer layer, so they need to be paired with a separate diaper cover. Fitted diapers provide excellent leakage protection and are a popular option for heavy wetters or overnight use. They are available in various sizes to ensure a perfect fit as your baby grows.

Each type of cloth diaper has its own advantages and considerations, so it’s important to assess your specific needs and preferences when choosing the right cloth diaper for your baby. Whether you opt for the convenience of all-in-one diapers, the versatility of pocket diapers, the traditional appeal of prefold diapers, the simplicity of flat diapers, or the snug fit of fitted diapers, cloth diapering offers an eco-friendly and economical choice for modern parents.

Calculating The Quantity

Calculating the quantity of cloth diapers you need is an important step in your cloth diapering journey. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but with a few simple calculations, you can determine the number of diapers that will work best for you and your baby.

Number Of Diapers Per Day

The first factor to consider is the number of diapers your baby goes through in a day. On average, newborns require around 10 to 12 diaper changes per day, while older babies may need around 6 to 8 changes per day. This number can vary depending on your baby’s age, their feeding habits, and their individual needs.

Number Of Diaper Changes Per Week

Once you have the number of diaper changes per day, you can calculate the number of changes per week. Simply multiply the number of changes per day by seven. For example, if your baby needs 8 diaper changes per day, you would need 56 diapers to cover a week’s worth of changes.

Accounting For Laundry Days

It’s important to account for laundry days when determining the quantity of cloth diapers you need. Cloth diapers need to be washed and dried after each use, so some diapers will be out of rotation during this time. A common guideline is to have enough diapers to last for 2 to 3 days between laundry days. This means you will need to multiply the number of diaper changes per day by the number of days between laundry days.

For example, if you want to do laundry every other day and your baby needs 8 diaper changes per day, you would need a total of 16 to 24 diapers to cover this period. This allows for enough diapers in rotation while some are being washed and dried.

It’s important to keep in mind that every baby is unique, and their diapering needs may change as they grow. Additionally, having a few extra diapers on hand can be helpful for emergencies or unexpected situations.


Factors To Adjust For

When it comes to cloth diapering, one of the most common questions is: “How many cloth diapers do I need?” The number of diapers you will need can vary depending on several factors that you need to consider. By adjusting for these factors, you can ensure that you are well-prepared and have enough cloth diapers to meet your needs.

Leakage And Accidents

One important factor to consider when determining how many cloth diapers you need is the likelihood of leakage and accidents. While cloth diapers are generally very absorbent, it is still possible for leaks or accidents to occur, especially during the early stages of diapering when your baby may have frequent bowel movements. It is recommended to have an extra set of diapers to be prepared for unexpected leaks or accidents.

Traveling And Outings

Another factor to consider is your lifestyle and how often you travel or go on outings. If you frequently leave the house, you may need to have a larger supply of diapers to ensure that you have enough for the duration of your outing. Additionally, having a few travel-friendly cloth diapers in your stash can be beneficial, as they are designed to be compact and convenient for on-the-go diaper changes.

Growth Spurts

Babies go through growth spurts, and their diapering needs can change quite rapidly. It is essential to account for growth spurts when determining how many cloth diapers you need. During growth spurts, your baby may require more frequent diaper changes as they go through a period of increased feeding and elimination. Be prepared for these growth spurts by having a sufficient number of diapers on hand.

Budget Considerations

When it comes to deciding how many cloth diapers you need, budget considerations play a significant role. Unlike disposable diapers that you have to continuously purchase, cloth diapers can save you a significant amount of money in the long run. Let’s explore some budget-friendly options when it comes to cloth diapers.

Cost Comparison With Disposables

If you are worried about the upfront costs of cloth diapers, it’s essential to consider the long-term savings they offer. While a pack of disposable diapers might seem cheaper initially, they can quickly add up over time. On the other hand, cloth diapers, although requiring an initial investment, can be reused for multiple children or even resold later, making them a more cost-effective option. Let’s take a closer look at the cost comparison:


Initial CostHigherLower

Long-Term CostHigherLower


Resale ValueNoYes

Secondhand Cloth Diapers

One of the most affordable ways to build your cloth diaper stash is by purchasing secondhand ones. Many parents find that their babies quickly outgrow the initial sizes of cloth diapers, meaning they have gently used ones to sell. You can find secondhand cloth diapers online or in local parenting groups. These diapers are often great quality and have been well cared for. Buying secondhand not only helps you save money but also contributes to sustainable practices by keeping items out of landfills.

Reselling Cloth Diapers

If you decide to invest in cloth diapers, keep in mind that you can resell them once your little one has outgrown them. Many parents are willing to buy used cloth diapers, especially if they are in good condition and come from a reputable brand. By considering the resale value of cloth diapers when making your initial purchase, you can maximize your budget even further. Plus, knowing you can recoup some of your investment provides peace of mind that cloth diapers are a financially wise choice.


Frequently Asked Questions Of How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need?

How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need For A Newborn?

Typically, you will need around 10-12 cloth diapers in rotation for a newborn to ensure you have enough for frequent changes.

How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need For A Toddler?

For a toddler, having 12-18 cloth diapers in rotation is recommended, considering their increased frequency of soiling.

What Is The Average Number Of Cloth Diapers Used Per Day?

On average, you can expect to use around 6-8 cloth diapers per day, but this may vary depending on your baby’s age, feeding patterns, and overall habits.

How Often Should I Wash Cloth Diapers?

To maintain proper hygiene, it is advisable to wash cloth diapers every two to three days, ensuring they are thoroughly cleaned and ready for use.

How Many Extra Cloth Diapers Should I Have In Case Of Emergencies?

It is wise to have a few extra cloth diapers on hand, so having an additional 2-3 diapers as backups will help you be prepared for any unexpected situations.


Determining the number of cloth diapers you need depends on your baby’s age, your laundry routine, and your personal preferences. It’s essential to consider factors such as absorbency, drying time, and the frequency of diaper changes. By understanding your specific needs and considering these factors, you can find the right balance to ensure you have enough cloth diapers to keep your baby clean and comfortable throughout the day without feeling overwhelmed by excessive amounts.